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A great option for flexible learning Study when and where you want without needing to attend the University
Obtain a recognised and respected qualification Distance learning qualifications are equal value to campus-based certificates
Be fully supported and connected Personal tutors and the student wellbeing team are on hand, and you can connect with the online learning community
Meet our distance learners From LA to Staffordshire, how distance learning made a difference Homecoming for distance learning graduate Dominica Marbaniang - MA International Relations
The distance and financial cost of having to get to travel to university wouldn’t have worked for me, so to be able to do it from home was a huge pull. I wouldn’t have done this MA were it not for that fact that I could do it at home. The online library is a brilliant resource. Most of my dissertation was put together using resources form the online library. You also get to know people. That's what’s really interesting about distance learning, is that there’s a platform you can use to get to know each other which you would normally do in a classroom if you were physically based on campus.
Distance learning is extremely effective for those unable to commit to a regular location. The pace and content of my course were excellent and very engaging for someone like me, who’d been away from higher education for over two decades. My initial doubts as to whether I could return to postgraduate learning were soon overcome and I became part of a great community of distance learners. I can’t recommend Staffs enough to those thinking of a studying ‘from a distance’.
Chat to our students and staff We understand you might have some questions about life as a distance learning student at University of Staffordshire, that's why we have a team of students and academic and support staff on hand to answer any questions you might have. Chat to us