Module descriptions

School of Justice, Security and Sustainability / postgraduate

1 published postgraduate courses use the following 19 modules:

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Code Title Level Credits School Module description
HRMG70079 ADVANCED EMPLOYMENT LAW 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module focuses on the major principles that underpin employment law, the defences which are available to employers and the remedies that claimants seek when they bring their cases to court. It examines the more common issues relating to employment law which arise in organisations with a view to preparing a defence or helping to settle claims ahead of a hearing. Integral to this is the legal system, the main sources of law and the evolution of contemporary employment regulation in the UK. As part of this module you will take part in a mock Employment Tribunal, based around a case of possible unfair dismissal.
MKTG70357 CONTEMPORARY DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business With a broad focus, this module is designed to allow you the scope to focus on the existing digital marketing framework and to explore new approaches to digital strategic planning. Additionally, you will consider the role of the digital consumer and how potential changes in consumer behaviour may impact an organisations approach to digital marketing planning.
ACCT70318 CORPORATE FINANCE AND INVESTMENT 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module will start with an introduction to the subject which will cover corporate goals, shareholder wealth maximisation and the agency theory. Implicitly, we will discuss financing frictions that differentiate the functioning of perfect capital markets with imperfect capital markets. Three major decision areas: Investments: Where should a firm invest its (scarce) resources? - project analysis; - security analysis. Financing: How should the firm raise (additional) resources? - equity/debt/hybrids, - long/short term Dividends: What should the firm do with excess resources? - reinvest in business - distribute as dividends/return on capital Topics covered over the course of the module include sources of finance, cost of capital and capital structure, advanced investment appraisal techniques and applications, portfolio Theory and capital markets.
HRMG70081 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module focuses on how HRM and management strategies can be used effectively to improve organisational performance. The module examines approaches to cross-cultural management and leadership and critically evaluates the strategies used.
MKTG70358 DIGITAL MARKETING FOR SME'S 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business In this hands-on module you will learn how to use digital marketing tools and techniques including the latest techniques for local/national/international SEO, driving sales from email marketing and paid online advertising. This includes using contemporary digital marketing tools such as SEMrush, Ubersuggest, Google Analytics, Search Console, Tag Manager and Data Studio.
MKTG70359 DIGITAL MARKETING WITH IMPACT 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module enables you to enable your business objectives by digital marketing. It includes audience research, identifying key user journeys and touch points, to shape content for target segments and enabling customer to quickly and effectively reach the business Call to Actions (CTAs such as sales, customer details capture) using techniques such as Conversation Rate Optimisation, eCommerce and eCommerce SEO, and gaining customers plus sales via targeted social media marketing.
BUSM70020 DISSERTATION 7 60 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business The MBA dissertation represents an opportunity for all MBA students to select a suitable topic and demonstrate the full suite of all five management and leadership competencies derived from the programme. Topics will be wide-ranging drawing on different aspects of the business but all aiming to address a specific business challenge or problem. Following a Dissertation proposal presentation and allocation of a Dissertation supervisor, the assessment requires a 15,000-word Dissertation submission. A final viva completes this element of the MBA study
ACCT70319 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module commences with an introduction to the subject including concepts and a discussion of relevant applications. This leads onto an overview of a contemporary financial reporting and analysis framework in a global context (including the international accounting standard) and aspects of the international regulatory system. Students will also study income and asset value measurement systems and underlying systems of preparing consolidated financial statements (comprehensive income, Statement of financial position, changes in equity and cash flows). Contemporary issues such as sustainability and the need for environment and social reporting will enhance the studentsÂ’ ability to relate their learning to the global context.
ACCT70320 FINTECH AND DATA ANALYTICS 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module provides you with a core foundational understanding of financial technology applications. The theory behind how these systems work will be applied to real examples, allowing you as an entrepreneur to create your own specialised applications. You will examine the nature of FinTech in the current industry context, exploring contemporary market developments and evaluating the challenges and opportunities presented.
MKTG70356 GLOBAL DIGITAL MARKETING DECISIONS 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business Global markets result in rapidly changing customerÂ’s needs, driven by cultural norms and an accelerating pace of technological change. In this module you will address these challenges and how they impact on the digital marketing decisions facing marketers today.
BUSM70021 INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business Entrepreneurship and innovation are activities of utmost importance for firms and economies. This module will explore the role of entrepreneurship and innovation and how they occur within firms and economies. Additionally, the module will critically and practically appraise the developments in entrepreneurship and innovation studies and explore entrepreneurship and innovation in practice.
HRMG70082 LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT IN PRACTICE 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module provides an overarching view of learning and development for those predominantly in general people practice. You will focus on the role of the learning function within organisations of all types and assess the impact of learning provision within organisations and how it is influenced by a variety of internal and external factors.
ACCT70321 MANAGEMENT CONTROL AND INTERNAL AUDIT 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module commences with an introduction to control systems within an organisational context with reference to motivation, contingency planning and ethics. Organisation resources, strategy and financial investment are discussed and applied to a case study within an overarching project. The details of the project will be brought together using appropriate project management software. You will study a range of key performance indicators including that of quality and the associated quality assurance systems. Finally the role of the auditor and audit systems will be addressed and the relationship between the auditor and levels of senior management and internal auditors is explored.
BUSM70024 MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business Economics for Managers will explore key economic concepts and how they can be utilised for the purpose of business decision making. The module will focus on the application of economic theory in business context, utilising variety of innovative teaching methods and contemporary case studies.
BUSM70025 PLACEMENT MODULE 7 0 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business
HRMG70084 RESOURCING AND TALENT MANAGEMENT 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module will identify how HRM practices around recruitment, selection and performance management can be developed to enable the organisation to be more strategic in its approach to managing its highest performing employees.
BUSM70022 RISK MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business An innovative module that covers the core principles of risk and uncertainty in a business context. These concepts are applied to the main ways to manage risk such as insurance and hedging within financial markets. The aim of the module is to provide clear strategies for decision-makers to deal with risk and uncertainty despite a rapidly changing and unpredictable external environment
HRMG70085 STRATEGIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business Are you ready to reinforce your HR credentials and embrace the challenge of gaining some specialist expertise in managing employment relations? Then the Strategic Employment Relations module will offer you the opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills in this area. You will learn how the right employment relations strategy lies at the heart of organizational success in a contemporary, dynamic economic and political context, while also mitigating risk. By exploring the nature of the employment relationship, you will come to appreciate the competing perspectives of managers, trade unions and employees, and thus evaluate various policies and practices, anticipate their outcomes, and promote effective practice. As you explore the various topic areas you will be encouraged to reflect on the implications for your own workplace and develop the knowledge and skills to enhance your contribution as a people management professional.
BUSM70023 STRATEGY FOR VALUE CREATION 7 20 Digital, Technology, Innovation and Business This module is focused on Strategic Management and involves understanding how organisations strategise both in a local and international context followed by the implementation and practice of strategy towards value creation and sustained competitive advantage