Exceptional entry requirements:
Admission to train as a midwife is contingent upon one of the following conditions:
Completion of at least 12 years of general school education or
Possession of a certificate attesting success in an examination, of an equivalent level, for admission to a midwifery school for route I
Entry Requirements (including International English Language Testing System [IELTS] score)
IELTS 7.0 in each individual area or equivalent
What qualifications would I need to join this programme?
The entry requirements for the programme are normally:
GCSE passes at level 4 or above to include English and Maths
Typical offer 128 UCAS tariff points
If GCSEs do not include English evidence must be provided of: Literacy at Level 2
If GCSEs does not include Maths evidence must be provided of: Numeracy at Level 2
Courses such as ‘Access to Health’ include level 2 literacy and numeracy skills.
Applicants with non-standard entry qualifications or other higher education qualifications will be considered in line with UCAS guidance. Further information is available from admissions staff within the School of Health and Social Care.
To be eligible for entry onto this course each candidate must:
In addition to these University requirements, the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) require the entry criteria to reflect the requirements of a Registered Midwife or Nurse and contribute to upholding public trust and confidence.
We therefore require evidence of and a commitment throughout the course of:
Good character and health
Good character will be judged by two references, both of which must be from people who have known the applicant for a minimum of 2 years and are not family or friends. Additionally, an offer of a place will be subject to occupational health screening, enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance and have satisfactory good health and character as evidenced by relevant occupational health screening.
Selection Process
A values-based selection process will be used by the University who will undertake interviews and assess compliance with the criteria above in conjunction with partner service organisations and service users.
Those selected will have satisfactory DBS Disclosure and Barring Service checks and occupational health clearance. Health screening including TB, Hepatitis B and C, and HIV form part of our selection process.
Disability Statement
Staffordshire University operates a policy of inclusive teaching and learning to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to fulfil their educational potential. Details about how to apply to have your needs assessed can be found at: https://www.staffs.ac.uk/students/support/student-inclusion-team/disability-support/diagnostic-assessments
We understand that you might have experienced a challenging run up to higher education and may have not met the entry requirements as listed. If this is the case don’t worry, contact us and our team of expert advisors can guide you through the next stages of application, or help you find the perfect course for your needs. |