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Degree Outcomes Statement

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Institutional Degree Classification Profile




Table 1: University of Staffordshire Good Degrees by Reporting Year 

(‘MOA’ stands for Mode of Attendance)

University of Staffordshire has seen an incremental rise in good degrees for its taught students since 2018/19 from 73.5% to 76.1% (a rise of 2.6%)1. This upward trend evidences our investment in high quality teaching, notable infrastructure projects and innovative support and pastoral care initiatives, as well as reflecting demographic changes. 


Until 2022/23 part-time good degrees have consistently exceeded our full-time results. (Table 1)   This was due to changes to our part-time provision which had seen a significant intake of students from an Armed Forces background, focusing on degrees related to their roles.  As the University’s overall part-time undergraduate population has increased, the impact of this cohort on our overall degree rate has been less marked.  Therefore, while the part-time good degree rates in 2022/23 remain 72.7%, this figure does represent a decline on previous years. 


For students with Indices of Multiple Deprivation (for example those with barriers to education, employment and health), we have been working on closing the awarding gap between the most vulnerable and challenged group and the least vulnerable group. The University has seen significant improvement in the awarding gap for both Black and Asian students in 2022/23 compared with last year. Black students are now 9.3% less likely to achieve a good degree (a reduction of 19.4pp from last year when the gap was 28.7%) and the awarding gap for Asian students is now 12.4% compared with 23.9% last year, a reduction of 11.5pp. We continue to address the awarding gaps between the most vulnerable and challenged group of students and the least vulnerable  through our Access and Participation Plan 2020-25, as approved by the Office for Students (OfS) and the associated variation for 2024 which is currently under review by the OfS.  The University has also been commissioned by TASO (Transforming Access and Student Outcomes in HE) to develop a typology and narrative of current approaches to address the ethnicity degree awarding gap. The report, prepared by the Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice (SCoLPP), was launched by TASO in June 2023. The University’s work with TASO is continuing as SCoLPP has also being commissioned to work with six universities on a TASO project that will develop theory of change and evaluation plans for interventions designed to tackle the ethnicity degree awarding gap.


Table 2: Full-time Good degrees by School 


All Schools have developed local plans to reduce gaps in performance which look to redevelop curricula and enhance learning and teaching approaches to increase the academic stretch for students.  In the School of Health, Science and Wellbeing the Nursing degree’s practice assessments are now graded rather than being assessed as pass/fail elements.  This has had a positive impact on the good degree rate for this course and the School overall. 

Assessment and Marking Practices

All courses have learning outcomes mapped to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) and relevant subject benchmark statements. Detailed academic scrutiny of course proposals ensures that programme content, teaching and assessment aligns with national reference points. Courses are also continually monitored to ensure they are current, valid and appropriate to the changing markets and needs of our students, partners and employers. In addition, courses meet the expectations and assessment requirements of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) where applicable.

Assessment strategies are designed to demonstrate that course and module level learning outcomes have been met by a student and ensure that a range of appropriate assessment types are used. Furthermore, we consider the learning needs of all groups of students to ensure that assessments are appropriate to the individual and achievable.  The University has developed principles for the use of Artificial Intelligence and associated staff and student guidance to support our community in the use of this new technology.

Coursework assignments, submission and feedback dates are made available at the start of a module wherever possible. Students are provided with generic and contextualised criteria for success, enabling them to align their learning to meet the learning outcomes and ensure a clear grasp of expectations. Formative (ongoing) assessment methods allow students to receive regular feedback on their progress and feed forward into their summative (final) assessment. Our Academic Mentoring system enables students to meet to discuss and action their feedback effectively with tutors.

Assessments, submitted electronically where appropriate, are scrutinised with similarity checking software.  Marking is also undertaken electronically, with tutors providing marks and feedback to students online, where appropriate. University policy is to provide marks and feedback within 20 working days of submission. Exceptional circumstances are considered in accordance with our Exceptional Circumstances Procedure.  For both University and partner-delivered courses, assessments are second marked, moderated internally and then scrutinised by external examiners (EEs) to ensure consistency. EEs are experienced, independent Higher Education professionals, who are appointed and trained according to a formal process, culminating in an annual written report. See our External Examiner Policy. EE feedback confirms that the University continues to maintain its academic standards.  An overview of this feedback is provided to the University’s Quality and Enhancement Committee and to Academic Board and Board of Governors through the Annual Quality and Standards and Student Success Report.

Academic Governance

Academic Board reports to the Board of Governors and is responsible for the planning, development, oversight and resourcing of all the academic work of the University, including teaching, research and knowledge transfer. The Academic Board appoints sub-committees, including the Quality and Enhancement Committee, which is responsible for the maintenance of standards and oversight of all teaching quality assurance.

The University’s committee structure

In addition, Academic Board approves the University’s Academic Award Regulations and all associated policies and procedures governing assessment practice. These ensure marking practices are followed. Award Boards are appointed to receive module results and confirm progression and award decisions for both on-campus awards and those delivered through partnership arrangements. The Terms of Reference and membership of these are outlined in our Assessment Policy and Procedures. Mandatory training for Award Board Chairs is provided by the Registry. Provision for appeals against the decision of Award Boards is set out in our Complaints and Appeals Procedure.

The University’s annual Quality and Standards and Student Success Report provides Academic Board and the Board of Governors with oversight of the operation of policies and procedures concerning learning and teaching, quality assurance and quality enhancement activities.  This report includes academic performance trends and University-level themes/priorities.

Academic standards at partner institutions are additionally monitored through the University Partnerships Committee which receives regular quantitative and qualitative reports encompassing all collaborative academic partnerships.

Policies focusing on the management and quality assurance of collaborative provision

Classification Algorithms

Following a comprehensive review, University of Staffordshire moved to a single classification algorithm in 2019/20, responding to sector best practice and protecting the standard of our awards. We reworked the University’s regulations introducing a differentiated approach. The aim being a right first time, timely completion approach, supporting students more in their early HE study, providing a transition period and progressively requiring more from students until completion of their award and ensuring that they are work-ready. This is outlined in plain English in the Academic Regulations. Students were pivotal in the development of our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ approach to these and were consulted from the outset.

The base classification is calculated using level 5 and level 6 study weighted at 30% and 70% respectively. The lowest scoring module (to a maximum of 30 credits) is discounted in recognition of a student’s consistent overall performance and to allow students to explore learning without fear of failure. There is only one criterion for a raise in classification and this is where a student’s base classification is within 2% of the higher classification (i.e. 48%, 68%) and has 60 level 6 credits in the higher classification. The University also imposes limits on the number of re-sit opportunities available to students. In keeping with sector norms, students have one opportunity to re-sit an assessment. The mark for this will be restricted to the basic pass mark. Should students require it, they may have one opportunity to retake a module the following year. A rigorous Impact Assessment was undertaken on the provisions of the new regulations, including the revised degree classification and its potential impact on good degrees.

During the pandemic the University adopted regulations that recognised the challenges of working and being assessed remotely when this would not be the normal method of delivery. The principle for this approach was based on an expectation that students would engage with all aspects of assessment but allowed for a greater degree of condonement (45 credits compared to 30 previously) and for a reduced level of completion of assessment at a module level (66%) where it was not possible for students to undertake assessment. This means that students might not have completed up to one third of their assessment during this period. All other aspects of degree outcomes regulations were maintained. Application of these arrangements were focussed on increased support for those missing assessments or students having failed outcomes through no fault of their own. As a result, those who needed this support did not have high award classification profiles and in itself this did not add to any increases in the awarding of good honours.


The use of the exceptional regulations remained in use during 2021/22 due to the Omicron outbreak but was rescinded at the end of the academic year. Standard regulations were in place from the start of 2022/23.

Teaching Practices and Learning Resources

Our commitment to high quality teaching and its significant impact on our degree classification is illustrated by some of our achievements outlined below:

  • Seven University of Staffordshire subject areas have ranked in the top ten in one or more themes in the National Student Survey 2023 [1]
  • The University has seen nine of its subject areas ranked in the Top 10 of the Guardian University Guide [2]
  • The University has achieved ahead of time its KPI of 75% of positive graduate outcomes by 2027 [3]
  • The University is top 20 nationally for facilities in the Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023 [4]
  • We are second in the UK for Quality Education (UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 in the THE Impact Rankings) [5]

The Academic Quality and Development (AQD) directorate was introduced in 2022 to support learning and teaching enhancement.  AQD works collectively and in co-operation with all schools, institutes and services across the university to support delivery of our strategic priorities and external facing metrics and regulatory requirements.

AQD represents a structural change within the Education portfolio. It has five key departments:

  • Academic Development
  • Academic Projects
  • Academic Quality Service
  • Digital Pedagogies
  • Student and Graduate Employability

AQD also includes the Step-Up team, whose role is to support our transition to HE work in the city, the region and beyond.

AQD is driving the implementation of the University’s Academic Strategy, which sets out the University’s vision to be recognised in our regions and beyond for our intellectual contribution to the local and regional creative/digital and foundational economies through our next generation approach to education, engagement, experience and environment (4Es), research and professional practice.

We have invested £75M in recent years on infrastructure including our £30M Science Centre, £11.5M on the Cadman Studios, £8.7M on the Digital Kiln, £5M on our Beacon Specialist Learning Building and £5.5M on the Centres of Excellence in Healthcare Education. Additionally we have recently invested £43M on a state-of-the-art Catalyst Building. We are currently remodelling the Ashley 2 building to create a new £2.7m multidisciplinary simulation-based facility in Stoke as we well as creating a new £2m Esports arena in the Beacon building, both of which will be complete and ready for teaching in 2024.

The realisation of Staffordshire Centre of Learning and Pedagogic Practice (SCoLPP) in 2022 has also created a step change in further promoting and sustaining learning and teaching excellence.  SCoLPP is a research centre with a difference, immersed uniquely in developing evidence-informed pedagogic practice which aims to connect learning and teaching to enhanced social mobility.  The modus operandum is based on core principles of effectiveness and levels of evidence, evaluation, and reach, upholding What Works principles in learning and teaching for all, so that everyone can have a part to play in positively enhancing student outcomes.  The SCoLPP core team has a well-established track record in the field and is building reputational enhancement accordingly.  In the past year, SCoLPP have been awarded multi funded projects.  This work has made tangible differences to curriculum development, everyday practice and in how colleagues across the Sector now consider evaluating outcomes and effectiveness (funded by QAA (UK & Scotland), TASO, Advance HE, OfS and The British Council). 

Identifying Good Practice and Actions

The University’s review has identified the following strengths:

  • The use of one agreed algorithm for calculating degree outcomes, ensuring transparency and consistency of approach
  • The redevelopment of the academic regulations to ensure that they are student-focused, user friendly and accessible
  • Collaboration with students in every aspect of the University’s operation, from curriculum design and student support to governance and management
  • The establishment of the Academic Quality and Development Directorate to support learning and teaching enhancement.
  • Investment in furthering effective evidence-informed pedagogic practice with the development of the SCoLPP research centre

We will be undertaking the following key actions over the coming year:

  • Implementation of our updated Academic Strategy
  • Continuing action to close attainment/award gaps for vulnerable student groups, taking evidence-based action informed by sector research.
  • A review of the Degree Outcomes Statement as part of our commitment to assure the value and consistency of our awards, with reports submitted annually to the Board of Governors

[1] National Student Survey 2023 : National Student Survey data: provider-level dashboard - Office for Students

[2] Guardian University Guide 2024 : The Guardian University Guide 2024 – the rankings | University guide | The Guardian

[3] Percentage of graduates who find graduate level jobs, or are in further study at Professional or HE level, within 15 months of graduation :  75% Career after 15 Months - The Guardian University Guide 2024 – the rankings | University guide | The Guardian

[4] Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023: the winners

[5] Impact Rankings 2023 | Times Higher Education (THE)

Contributors and Oversight

This statement was originally prepared by a cross University working group, including student representation and reporting to Quality and Enhancement Committee.  

The following external advisors reviewed and provided input in the development of the Degree Outcomes Statement: 

  • Helen Smallbone: Academic Registrar and Clerk to Governors, Edge Hill University 
  • Ian Vandewalle: Former Pro Vice Chancellor (Retired) Liverpool Hope University 

The University’s Collaborative Academic Partners and an existing external examiner were also invited to review the statement.

First published: July 2020; Updated: October 2021, October 2022 and October 2023