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All of the courses that University of Staffordshire run, and the credits needed to achieve each award.

FHEQ LevelCourseCredits you have to achieveFull time course lengthMaximum course length
Foundation Level 3 University Foundation Certificate 30 credits overall at level 3 1 semester  1 year
University Foundation Diploma 60 credits overall at level 3 1 semester 1 year
International Foundation Programme 120 credits overall at level 3 1 year 2 years
Undergraduate Level 4  University Certificate 60 credits overall at level 4 1 semester  1 year
Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE) 120 credits overall, minimum of 90 credits at level 4 or above, maximum of 30 credits at level 3 1 year 2 years
Higher National Certificate (HNC) 120 credits overall, minimum of 90 credits at level 4 or above, maximum of 30 credits at level 3 1 year 2 years
Undergraduate Level 5 Certificate in Education (PCET)  60 credits overall at level 5 1 semester  1 year
University Diploma University Learning Award 60 credits overall at level 5 1 semester 1 year
Higher National Diploma (HND) 240 credits overall, minimum of 90 credits at levels 5 and 4 or above, maximum of 30 credits at level 3 2 years 3 years
Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) 240 credits overall, minimum of 90 credits at levels 5 and 4 or above, maximum of 30 credits at level 3 2 years 3 years
Foundation Degree: Arts (FdA) Science FdSc) Engineering (FdEng) 240 credits overall, minimum of 90 credits at levels 5 and 4 or above, maximum of 30 credits at level 3 2 years 3 years
Undergraduate Level 6 Level 6 Bachelor’s Degree (Ordinary) Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Science (BSc) Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 300 credits overall, minimum of 60 credits at level 6, minimum of 90 credits at levels 5 and 4 or above and maximum 30 credits at level 3 3 years  4 years
Graduate Certificate 60 credits overall at level 6 or above with a maximum of 15 credits at level 7 1 semester 1 year
Advanced University Diploma 60 credits overall at level 6 1 semester 1 year
University Professional Certificate 60 credits overall at level 6 or above with a maximum of 15 credits at level 7 1 semester 1 year
Graduate Diploma 120 credits overall at level 6 or above with a maximum of 30 credits at level 7 1 year 2 years
University Professional Diploma 120 credits overall at level 6 or above with a maximum of 30 credits at level 7 1 year 2 years
Bachelor of Arts with Honours BA (Hons) Bachelor in Banking & Finance (Hons) Bachelor of Science with Honours BSc (Hons) Bachelor of Engineering with Honours BEng (Hons) Bachelor of Osteopathy BOst (Hons) 360 credits, overall, minimum of 90 credits at each of levels 6,5 and 4 and maximum of 30 credits at level 3 3 years 4 years
Bachelor of Laws with Honours LLB (Hons) 360 credits of which 120 must be at level 6 and 120 must be at level 5 3 years 4 years
Integrated Levels 6 and 7 Master of Engineering (MEng) Master of Science (MSci) Master of Osteopathy (MOst)

480 credits overall including 360 undergraduate credits, comprised of a minimum of 90 credits at levels 4,5 and 6, with no more than 30 credits at level 3.  At postgraduate credits comprised of 120 credits at level 7

4 years 5 years
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) 120 credits overall including 60 credits at level 7 1 year 2 years

Postgraduate Level 7

Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert)  60 credits overall, normally minimum of 45 credits at level 7 and a maximum of 15 credits at level 6

  1 semester

 1 year
Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) 120 credits overall, normally minimum of 90 credits at Level 7 and a maximum of 30 credits at level 6 1 year 2 years
Master of Arts (MA) Master of Banking & Finance Master of Science (MSc) Master of Laws (LLM) Masters by Research (MRes) Master of Chemistry (MChem) Master of Accounting Master of Accounting in Forensic Analysis Master of Finance Master of Islamic Finance and Banking Master of Real Estate Finance and Investment Master of Project Management Master of Technology Management 180 credits overall, normally minimum of 150 credits at level 7 and a maximum of 30 credits at level 6 1 year 2 years
Master of Business Administration (MBA) 180 credits at level 7 1 year 2 years
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) 360 credits at level 7    
 Doctoral  Level 8 Professional Doctorate  540 credits normally a maximum of 240 at level 7 and a minimum of 300 at level 8  3 years  5 years
 Any Level Certificate in Lifelong Learning and/or Certificate in Continuous Professional Development   30 credits or 45 credits from any one of the levels 3,4,5,6,7 in any combination.  1 semester  1 year
Certificate of Credit 15 credits  from any one of the levels 3,4,5,6,7 1 semester 1 year