Student bank accounts are usually free to use, but if you exceed your authorised overdraft limit you may incur bank charges that could affect your credit rating.
Avoid credit cards while you’re studying as your income will be limited making it harder for you to meet repayments. If you don’t meet your repayments on time you’ll incur interest which can build up quickly. You could end up owing significant amounts of money and your credit rating will be affected.
Top Tip: Check your account balance regularly online or through a banking app. This is a simple way to keep track of your spending.
If you've received a number of charges from your bank for regularly being overdrawn, it is worth contacting them to request support. For further guidance on how to reclaim bank charges check out this useful guide from Money Saving Expert.
If you've received a one-off bank charge or a charge that's been applied in error, you should contact your bank to ask if they can wipe the charge. It is also worth discussing your situation with them to see if they can recommend some options to help you avoid getting into the same situation in the future.