Members of the Board of Governors are required to complete a declaration of interests form annually, in accordance with the University's Conflict of Interest Policy.
New declarations are to be made annually in advance of each academic year, and updated as and when circumstances change.
All Members of the Board of Governors are required to confirm annually that they have duly considered the following definition of a 'fit and proper person' and that it applies to them:
A fit and proper person:
is of good character;
has the qualifications, competence, skills and experience that are necessary for their role;
is able by reason of their health, after reasonable adjustments are made, to properly perform the tasks of the office or position for which they are appointed;
has not been responsible for, been privy to, contributed to, or facilitated any serious misconduct or mismanagement (whether unlawful or not) in their employment or in the conduct of any entity with which they are or have been associated.
Members of the Board of Governors are required to inform the Clerk to the Board of Governors if this confirmation if breached or jeopardised in any way.
Gemma Brierley
Connected people
Jonathan Chapman
Wolters Kluwer/TeamMate - Consultant
Bearing Point - Consultant
Chapman Resourcing Limited (company number 12314270) - Director*
Abridge Cricket Club - Treasurer
Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors - Member
Government Internal Audit Agency - Non Executive Director
Connected people
Mohit Dhingra
- Aegon UK, Chief Internal Auditor
- University of Bedfordshire (UKPRN 10007152) - Governor
- Institute of Chartered Accountants of India - Member
Connected people
Kevin Gould
Look Ahead Care and Support (Co-operative and community Benefit Society No. 21004R) - Non-Executive Director and Trustee
Sharpthorne Services Limited (company number 09083726) - Consultant and Director
Grand Union Housing Group (Community Benefit Society No 7853) - Non-Executive Director
Legal and General Affordable Homes (11223470, 13230947, 13230922) - Director
European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (through Resource Solutions) - Internal Audit Consultant
Independent Decision-making body, Bar Standards Board - Vice Chair
Centre for Alternative Technology Charity Limited (company number 01090006 and charity number 265239) - Trustee*
Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales - Fellow
Connected people
Sharpthorne Services Ltd - Part-owner
Chartered Institute of Certified Accountants - Member
Tresmaines Ltd - Accountant
Colin Hughes
AQA Education (charity number 1073334) - Chief Executive & Trustee*
Excelsoft Pvt Limited India (company number U72900KA2000PTC027256) – Non-Executive Director*
Teachercentric Ltd, (company number 06055034) - Non-Executive Director*
The Rialto Magazine Management Board – Member and Trustee
Middlesex University – Pro Chancellor
College of Teaching – Fellow
Royal Society of Arts - Fellow
Connected people
Professor Chris Headleand
University of Staffordshire - Head of Games Development
Picselica Ltd (company number 08635854) - Director
University of Lincoln - Visiting post
TIGA - Member of the Education Committtee
SAGE (Publishers) - Member of the Pedagogic Advisory Board
Connected people
Professor Martin Jones
Staffordshire University (UKPRN 10006299) – Vice Chancellor
Staffordshire University Services Limited (company number 07765564) – Director*
Staffordshire University Student Services Limited (company number 13998015) - Director*
Staffordshire University Academies Trust (SUAT) (company number 07704020) – Director*
Potteries Educational Trust (UKPRN 10066111/company number 10647453) – Director*/Trustee (Chair, Board of Trustees)
University of Sheffield (UKPRN 10007157) – Honorary Professor
Oulu University (Finland) - Honorary Doctor (Docent)
Territory, Politics, Governance Journal – Co-editor
MillionPlus - Executive Member (2023 - 2026) and Treasurer (Aug 24 - July 26)
External examiner - Aberystwyth University
External examiner - University of Manchester (2023 only)
Connected people
Precious Ogbein
Staffordshire University Students' Union - President
Staffordshire University Students' Union Charitable Trust (CIO) (charity number 1173330) - Chair, Trustee Board*
Connected people
Baljinder Kuller
Connected People
Josie Morris
The Wool Packaging Company Ltd t/a Woolcool (6900094) - Director
The Wool Packaging Company (Holdings) Ltd (9610913) - Director
Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce (465975) - Director
Stoke City Community Trust (4875877) - Director
AEDdonate charity (1162634)
We Are Staffordshire Board charity
Deputy Lieutenant of Staffordshire
Connected people
Kimberly Newell Chebator
Connected people
Juliet Oosthuysen
Connected people
Martin Pugh
Connected people
Joseph Knight
Connected people
Ian Jenkinson (Co-opted Committee Member)
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) (charity number 210252) and Insitution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) - Fellow and freelance reviewer and volunteer
Chartered Management Institute (CMI) - Member
fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs - EUR ING
The Carsington Sailing Club (company number 02513618) - Director*
Sustainability West Midlands (company number 04390508) - volunteer
Connected people
*denotes where a Member of the Board of Governors or Co-opted Committee Member is registered as a Director/Secretary with Companies House, or is a Trustee of a charity registered with the Charities Commission.
For any queries, please email the Clerk to the Board of Governors, Ian Blachford, on