The purpose of the network is to provide a support network for women academics at Staffordshire University, with the goal of fostering gender equality at the University. All are welcome (males and females).
4pm – 6pm
Science Centre,
University of Staffordshire,
Leek Road,
Women remain under-represented at senior level in universities. For instance, women’s representation at the highest level as professors and Chairs is low (19.8% of staff are professors, despite women making up 46.8% of non-professorial academic posts). Nationally there is also a significant pay gap in favour of men across the professoriate (UCU, 2012). Men and women in universities have been found to differ in terms of career progression, getting published, winning grants, and being a part of editorial boards. There is, therefore, a need to foster gender equality, and for Staffordshire University to play a key role in this.
Purpose of event:
- To provide an opportunity for staff and the wider community to come together to reflect on and connect on issues relevant to the network;
- To raise the University’s reputation internally and externally, in terms of gender equality and inclusivity;
- To provide an informal networking opportunity, bringing staff from across the University together.
Proposed Programme (all TBC)
- 16:00 Arrival
- 16:10 Introduction to the event and purpose
- 16.15 Various talks from individuals who have existing academic networks, at the University of Sheffield, Liverpool John Moores University
- 16:40 Talks from professors/associate professors on their journey within academia, and about gender equality research
- 17:30 Closing remarks, from Executive
- 17:40 Networking and discussion
- 18:00 Close
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