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1 May Why taking lunch breaks is important by Mike Oliver The Stoke “Psychologist in the Pub” is a series of free talks by psychologists from the Staffordshire and West Midlands region and are open to everyone!
1 May The psychology of fake news and conspiracy theories A masterclass webinar examining the science behind why so many people get caught up in conspiracies
7 May to 8 May NoiseFloor 2019 Join us for NoiseFloor 2019 - a showcase of original works by international electronic music composers and performers.
7 May The Other Side of Nothingness – looking for the person in the ‘Strange Land’ of dementia Profs in Dudley's is a series of informal, illustrated presentations by Staffordshire University academics on matters of topical importance.
8 May Continuous Improvement in Patient Safety Conference Bringing together health and social care professionals passionate about improving safety
9 May Safeguarding – Keeping Apprentices Safe At Staffordshire University we take our responsibility to ensure the safety of our students, including apprentices very seriously.
15 May Tea & Talk for Mental Health Awareness A tea and talk event is all about breaking down the barriers and connecting with each other.
22 May Is stress always bad? Performing under pressure in sport and beyond Find out how athletes control, manage and use stress to their advantage with our masterclass webinar on sport psychology.
22 May Truly transformative teaching – enter into the entrepreneurial mind-set Jess Power, Professor of Learning and Teaching, delivers her inaugural professorial lecture
Online and Campus Events We know you can't always join us here on campus, so where possible, we'll record our most popular events and lectures for you to enjoy from the comfort of your home. View events on demand