Join Carol Shanahan as she takes you through her journey where juggling ‘hats’ requires circus level precision.
5.30pm – 7pm
Lecture Theatre,
Science Centre,
University of Staffordshire,
Leek Road,
Public lecture
From starting out as the first female main-frame computer operator at Hoskins systems in Birmingham, to owning and chairing Synectics Solutions and Port Vale Football Club, Carol's people centred and pragmatic approach to life has been at the forefront of all her business and personal decisions.
After moving Synectics across the D-road from Newcastle to Burslem, Carol was greeted by more than she expected and has gone on to play a pivotal role within the Burslem and Stoke-on-Trent community. Her seven ‘hats’ consisting of owning Synectics Solutions & Port Vale FC, being Trustee of the Port Vale Foundation, Founding The Hubb Foundation, Co-chairing the Opportunity Area Board for S-o-T, becoming a Board member of the Childs Improvement Board all whilst determinably making time for her personal and family life as a mother and nana.
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