Ahead of A level results day, Staffordshire University is playing an active role in reassuring potential students about their options
Advice and guidance is available at www.staffs.ac.uk/clearing
Summer can be an anxious time for students waiting on their results and they can feel worried about picking up the phone and making the call so we aim to make ourselves available across all platforms.
The University’s clearing campaign is already up and running for students receiving their results and those with general enquiries about applying late for a University place.
Staffordshire University’s dedicated webpages includes an offer calculator which allows prospective students to choose a course and enter their grades to find out if they are eligible for an offer through clearing and a ‘live chat’ with clearing experts who are prepared to talk them through the process and the options available to them.
Other services include a specialist hotline number [0800 590 830] where enquirers can speak to our clearing experts.
We are also running an open day taking place at the Stoke-on-Trent campus on Saturday August 17 from 9.30am – 3pm, it is easy to book on via our website: http://www.staffs.ac.uk/visit
Dr Alyssa Phillips, Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions, said: “Summer can be an anxious time for students waiting on their results and they can feel worried about picking up the phone and making the call so we aim to make ourselves available across all platforms. Our students and staff play an important part in helping prospective students to see their potential and our web pages include inspirational case studies of students whose lives have been transformed through University."
Digital Communications Manager Laura Allen said: "We are very active across social media channels in the run up to results day and much of our coverage is student-led so that anyone who is interested in studying at Staffs can get a real feel for our University which prides itself on being ambitious and inspirational. We wish all students good luck with their results on August 15 and want them to know we are here for them, providing regular updates."
Clearing Information Advice and Guidance from Staffordshire University:
- Visit www.staffs.ac.uk/clearing to view all courses in clearing and access our clearing calculator
- Talk to experts by calling our Clearing Hotline on 0800 590 830. Lines are open Monday – Thursday, 8.45am - 5pm and Friday, 8.45am - 4.30pm
- Extended opening during results week: Thursday 15 August: 6am - 9pm; Friday 16 August: 7am - 8pm; Saturday 17 August: 8am - 4pm; Sunday 18 August: 10am - 4pm; Monday 19 August: 7am - 6pm; with the Clearing Hotline open throughout the summer