Having graduated from Staffordshire University in 2013 I have since gone on to gain QTS status and teach physical education in several local schools. Having developed a passion for upskilling primary school staff with regards to physical education I created a CPD program that is currently being ran in 22 local schools, aimed at developing subject specific teaching skills and awareness. The program was successful and developed my desire to work with the ‘teachers/coach of tomorrow’ at Staffordshire University and I was delighted to be appointed in January 2018 to teach on the PE and Sports coaching degrees.
Football is another passion and I have and I still work with several local professional and semi-professional clubs in a variety of roles from coaching to recruitment. The youth development phase (U12-16) is where most of my interest lies, due to this being a key age between gaining a scholarship and education.
Professional memberships and activities
Academic qualifications
- BSc Sport and exercise science
- QTS status
- FA Level Two football coaching
- 1st4sport Level 2 Certificate in Coaching Basketball
- UKCC Badminton Level 2
- Mountain Leaders Qualification
Areas of expertise include;
- Physical Education (Primary and Secondary)
- Delivering Continued Professional development programs
- Talent Identification in football
- Football Coaching
- Teaching and learning
Research interests
Research interests unsurprisingly involve physical education, and this is best split to two areas primary school and secondary school physical education
Primary School
The School sports premium has had a positive impact upon physical education in primary schools however, is this impact long term and sustainable? By developing and upskilling generalised primary school teachers to competently deliver physical education we would be going a long way to helping ensure this funding creates quality, sustainable and effective physical education. What CPD programs are currently out there? How effective are they? How accessible are these courses? These questions are essential to assess exactly how this funding is having a positive impact.
Secondary school
Research interest here include
- Physical education participation dropout rates amongst females in secondary schools, particularly those in deprived areas.
- The relationship between students GCSE performance and academy football scholarships.
- The impact different levels of activity has on exam performance.