Geoff PUGH

Emeritus Professor

Digital, Tech, Innovation & Business

I have taught and examined at all levels in higher education, mainly in the areas of economics, applied economics and research methods (especially econometrics). I have supervised 38 PhD students to successful completion, published 64 papers in peer-reviewed journals in economics, public policy and business/management, and have more than 20 years' experience of leading external projects (including an EU Framework 7 project for DG Research and, most recently, an ESRC funded project with the Productivity Institute at Manchester University). I have particular interests in policy/programme evaluation, SME development, and innovation.

I have adapted my research according to changing opportunities and corresponding strategic priorities. I contributed to the Economics unit of assessment in the 1995 Research Assessment Exercise, Business and Management in 2001, and Education in 2008. For the Research Excellence Framework – REF 2014 – I was responsible – as Head of Research in the Business School – for Staffordshire University’s submission in Business and Management Studies. My contribution to REF2021 was also in Business and Management. Since April 2018 I have worked half-time at Staffordshire University.

ORCHID: Geoffrey Pugh (0000-0002-9596-1757) (

ResearchGate Profile: (25) Geoffrey Thomas Pugh (

For Google Scholar citations of my publications: ‪Geoffrey Pugh - ‪Google Scholar

Professional memberships and activities

Former member of the Advisory Committee to the Council of the Central Bank of Montenegro

Meta Analysis in Economic Research Network

Association of Christian Economists

Occasional Senior Research Fellow for the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE, contributing to the “What Works Growth Evaluation Panel” at the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth, London School of Economics (since 2020).

Appointment to the Evaluation and Trial Advice Panel of the Cabinet Office (UK Government) (December 2022)
Staffs Professor appointed to UK Government panel. The Evaluation and Trial Advice Panel provides pro-bono advice to government departments to help ensure evidence sits at the heart of government spending decisions.

Academic qualifications

M.Sc. – Distinction Economics, Birkbeck College, University of London, 1989

Postgraduate Certificate in Education – Distinction, Institute of Education, University of London, 1984

PhD Politics , University of Kent at Canterbury, 1983
Thesis: Economic Theory & Political Thought in German Social Democracy

BA (Hons) – 2:1 Politics, University of Kent at Canterbury, 1976


I have some expertise in education policy, international economics, and macroeconomics. However, most of my published research could best be described as “applied microeconomics”, including evaluation studies, small business development, and innovation. My main contribution to research projects tends to be through the application of generic skills in applied econometric analysis and meta-regression analysis.

Research on innovation and SME development

Quartile 1 journals (with ABS journal ranking and H-index)*

  • Radicic, D. and Pugh, G. (2017). Performance Effects of External Search Strategies in European Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of Small Business Management. (ABS=3; H=67)

  • Dimos, C. and Pugh, G. (2016). The effectiveness of R&D subsidies: a meta-regression analysis of the evaluation literature. Research Policy 45, 797–815. First published on-line, 02-02-2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2016.01.002 (ABS=4; H=160)

  • Radicic, D., Pugh, G., Hollanders, H., Wintjes, R. and Fairburn, J. (2016). The impact of innovation support programs on small and medium enterprises innovation in traditional manufacturing industries: An evaluation for seven European Union regions. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34(8): 1425-1452. doi:10.1177/0263774X15621759 (ABS=3; H=47)

  • Gashi, P., Hashi, I. and Pugh, G. (2014). Export Behaviour of SMEs in Transition Countries, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol.42(2):407–435: DOI 10.1007/s11187-013-9487-7 (ABS=3; H=82)

  • Wyld, J., Tyrrall, D. and Pugh, G. (2010). Evaluating the impact of progressive beer duty on small breweries: a case study of tax breaks to promote SMEs. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy 28(2), 225-240. (ABS=3; H=47)

  • Dimos, C., Pugh, G., Hisarciklilar, M., Talam, E. and Jackson, I. (2022). The relative effectiveness of R&D tax credits and R&D subsidies: A comparative Meta-Regression Analysis, Technovation, 115 (July).
    (ABS: 3; H=130)

  • Radicic, D., Pugh, G. and Douglas, D. (2020). Promoting cooperation in innovation ecosystems: Evidence from European traditional manufacturing SMEs, Small Business Economics, 54: 257-283. (ABS: 3; H.=108)

  • Radicic, D., Pugh, G. Douglas, D. and Jackson, I. (2019). Cooperation for innovation and its impact on technological and non-technological innovations: empirical evidence for European SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries, International Journal of Innovation Management, 23(5). (ABS: 2; H=34) 

Quartile 2 journals (with H-index)*

  • Radicic, D. and Pugh, G. (2016). R&D programmes, policy mix, and the “European Paradox”: evidence from European SMEs, Science and Public Policy. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scw077 (ABS=2; H=42)

  • Wyld, J., Pugh, G., Tyrrall, D. 2012. Can Powerful Buyers “Exploit” SME Suppliers? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Vol.19, Issue 2 (May 2012), 322-334. (ABS=2; H=29)

Working Papers and work-in-progress

  • Radicic, D. and Pugh, G. (2017b). Innovation policy mix: evidence on complementarity between supply-side support and public procurement. EU-SPRI conference, Vienna, 7-9 June 2017.

  • Radicic, D., Pugh, G., Hollanders, H. and Wintjes, R. (2014). The impact of innovation support programmes on SME innovation in traditional manufacturing industries: an evaluation for seven EU regions. UNU-MERIT Working Papers Series No. 2014-033.

  • Wintjes, R., Douglas, D. Fairburn, J., Hollanders, H. and Pugh, G. (2014). Beyond product innovation; improving innovation policy support for SMEs in traditional industries. UNU-MERIT Working Papers ISSN 1871-9872. Maastricht Economic and social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology, UNU-MERIT #2014-032.

*According to The Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal Quality Guide (2015 - see Journals are ranked 4 (highest), 3, 2 or 1 (roughly corresponding to the RAE/REF assessment grades).

The Quartile ranking and H-Index are from the SCImago Journal & Country Rank. This is a publicly available portal that includes the journals and country scientific indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus® database (Elsevier B.V.).

Source: SCImago Journal & Country Rank -

  • Quartile (Q): The set of journals (i.e. all journals in a subject area such as Economics and Econometrics, Business, Management and Accounting, etc.) have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles – namely, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4.

  • H Index: The h index expresses the journal's number of articles (h) that have received at least h citations. It quantifies both journal scientific productivity and scientific impact and it is also applicable to scientists, countries, etc.

Evaluation experience

My experience of evaluation includes an EU Framework 7 project to evaluate business support measures for SMEs in traditional manufacturing sectors: GPrix - “Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs” (2010-12) ( I led the UK team and the econometric analysis. This gave rise to most of the publications on innovation listed above. For UK National Government, I had previously led a quantitative evaluation project for the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DfCSF) (for the 2008 Report,; a subsequent paper was published in Europe’s leading education journal and was “commended” at the 2012 Conference of the British Educational Research Association). In 2012, I collaborated with colleagues at the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) to design the implementation of the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) support programme Innovation Vouchers in the Agri-food, Built Environment and Aerospace sectors – in particular, the random assignment of vouchers – so that the effectiveness of the programme could be evaluated by a Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) approach. At local level, I led a two-year evaluation of the London Borough of Newham’s Reading Guarantee Programme (2012-14), which is notable for its longitudinal dimension and “difference-in-difference” approach. In 2017-18, in collaboration with Professor David Williamson and Mayowa Akinbote, I completed an evaluation project commissioned by Stoke-on-Trent & Staffordshire Enterprise Partnership with a report entitled: “Evaluating the impact of different modes of implementing food hygiene regulations on business compliance.”

Most recently, with David Tyrrall, I co-authored an unpublished submission to HM Treasury’s Small Brewers Relief: Technical Consultation (January 2021). HMT’s Small Brewers Relief: Technical Consultation Response (November 2021) extensively references our submission (pp.10-11; also p.26). Extensive reference to our evaluation was made also by the Society for Independent Brewers (SIBA).

Education Policy Research

My applied research in policy and programme evaluation overlaps with my research on education policy. My main areas of educational research have been: the dynamics of school performance; the effects of school spending on pupil attainment; and the effects of school links with faith communities on pupil attainment.

According to the comprehensive ERA rankings, all of my papers in the field of education policy have been published in A* or A ranked journals. (ERA: Australian Research Council (ARC): Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Outlet Ranking (2010); scholarly, peer reviewed journals are ranked A*; A; B; C, whereby: A* (top 5%) 'Virtually all papers they publish will be of a very high quality'; A (next 15%) 'The majority of papers in a Tier A journal will be of very high quality'; B (next 30%) 'Generally, in a Tier B journal, one would expect only a few papers of very high quality'; and C (next 50%) Journals 'that do not meet the criteria of higher tiers'.)

A* ranked journals:

  • Pugh, G., Mangan J., Blackburne, V. and Radicic D. (2014). School Expenditure and School Performance: Evidence from New South Wales schools using a dynamic panel analysis, British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 244–264.

  • Pugh, G., Mangan J. and Gray, J. (2011) Do increased resources increase educational attainment during a period of rising expenditure? Evidence from English secondary schools using a dynamic panel analysis, British Educational Research Journal, Volume 37, Issue 1, (2011).

  • Pugh, G. and, Telhaj, S. (2008) Faith schools, social capital and academic attainment: evidence from TIMSS-R mathematics scores in Flemish secondary schools, British Educational Research Journal, Vol.34, No.2 (April), pp.235-67.

  • Pugh, G., Davies, P. and Adnett, N. (2006) Should we have faith in not-for-profit providers of schooling?, Journal of Education Policy, Vol.21, No.1 (Jan.), pp.19-33.

  • Pugh, G. and Mangan, J. (2003) What’s in a trend? A comment on Gray, Goldstein and Thomas (2001), British Educational Research Journal, Vol.29, No.1, pp.77-82.

  • Lange, T. and Pugh, G. (1997) High-tech investment and learning-by-doing: an alternative training strategy, Education and Training, Vol.39, Nos.8-9 (November) pp.316-21.

A ranked journals:

  • Mangan J. and Pugh, G. (2005) Changes in Examination Performance in English Secondary Schools over the Course of a Decade, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Vol.16, No.1 (March) pp.29-50.

  • Pugh, G., Adnett, N. and Coates, G. (2005). Performance Indicators and Widening Participation in UK Higher Education, Higher Education Quarterly, Vol.59, No.1 (2005) pp.19-39.

Research interests

Applied, policy-oriented research in four areas.

  1. International/European economics

  2. The economic analysis of SME development, in particular innovation and diversification

  3. The economics of education and training

  4. Policy and programme evaluation

Most of my publications involve applied econometric analysis and/or statistical analysis. Those on SME promotion, education policy and economic regeneration are linked by a common focus on policy/programme evaluation.

The Google Scholar h-index for my publications is 25; 17 since 2018 ( The London School of Economics found that full professors in economics had an average Google Scholar h-index of 7.6 (

Enterprise and commercial interests


Private sector clients include: the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and the Society of Independent Brewers; the Ceramic Industry Forum; North Staffordshire Chamber of Commerce; Social Work Choices; UNISON; and Midland Expressway (the owner and operator of the M6 Toll Road).

Public sector clients include: Her majesty’s Treasury (HMT); the UK Countryside Agency; the Department for Children Schools and Families (DfCSF); the New Zealand Ministry of Education; the Central Bank of Montenegro; the UNDP office in Bosnia; and the European Commission - DG Research.

Smallest project: INDEX Voucher for Social Work Choices (2009) - £3,000

Largest project: European Commission - DG Research: Good Practices in Innovation Support Measures for SMEs: facilitating transition from the traditional to the knowledge economy (2009-11) - c.£110,000.

Current project (2023-24): ESRC project in collaboration with the Productivity Institute (Manchester University) entitled “The unexpected emergence of the IT sector in Stoke-on-Trent: perspectives and policy implications”.


MSc Economics:

  • Applied Econometrics

  • International macroeconomics and globalisation

  • Dissertation supervision (my students have twice won international prizes for their MSc dissertations)


Research Supervision

38 completions since 2004 in Applied Economics (31), Business and Management (5) and Education Policy (2).


Research Degrees Awarded:

Applied economics

  1. PhD: Thomas LANGE (01/04). Government intervention and the acquisition of workforce skills in Germany, Europe and beyond
  2. PhD: Ardiana GASHI (08/07). Technological Change and Employer-Provided Training: Theory and Evidence from the UK and Germany
  3. PhD: Petrit GASHI (11/07). Export Performance and the SME Sector in South Eastern Europe, with Special Reference to Kosova
  4. PhD: Inflation, Growth and Happiness: Assessing Croatia’s Stabilisation Policy
  5. PhD: Ermelinda LAHO (04/08). An Analysis of the IMF Supported Adjustment Programmes in Transition Economies with Special Reference to Albania
  6. PhD: Fatmir BESIMI (05/08). Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in Macedonia During the Process of Accession to the EU
  7. PhD: Bruno ĆORIĆ (12/08). Aggregate Economic Fluctuations and Capital Market Imperfections
  8. PhD: Aleksandar STOJKOV (10/09). Determinants and Sustainability of Current Account Deficits in Selected Transitional Countries
  9. PhD: Adnan EFENDIC (12/09). Institutions and Economic Performance: with Reference to Bosnia
  10. PhD: Igor VELICKOVSKI (03/10). Potential Costs for Macedonia from Relinquishing Independent Monetary Policy: A Contribution to Assessing the Costs of Euro Adoption
  11. PhD: Silvia GOLEM (12/10). The determinants of the size of government in developed market economies
  12. PhD: Sandra HLIVNJAK (03/11). Current Account Sustainability in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  13. PhD: Marjan PETRESKI (06/11). Investigating and Modelling a Monetary Policy Regime Switch from Exchange Rate to Inflation Targeting, with particular reference to Macedonia
  14. PhD: Nermin ORUC (10/11). The Economic Consequences Of “Mass Exodus” with reference to Bosnia
  15. PhD: Natasha TRAJKOVA (03/13). Instability and volatility of economic growth under transition: an application of exogenous growth theory
  16. PhD: Alan PIPER (03/13). The happiness of the young in Great Britain: the role of education
  17. PhD: Arben MUSTAFA (03/14). Banking Sector Competition and its Impact on Banking Stability, Interest Rates and Access to Finance in Enlarged Europe and South East Europe: with special focus to Kosovo
  18. PhD: Dragana RADICIC (05/14).The Effectiveness of R&D and Innovation Policy in Promoting Innovation in European SMEs: an Empirical Investigation of Additionality Effects
  19. PhD: Belma COLAKOVIC (10/14). Systemic risks and financial fragility in a small open economy: the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina
  20. PhD: Zorica KALEZIC (11/14). Ownership Concentration and Firm Performance in Transition Economies with Reference to Montenegro.
  21. PhD: Maja IVANOVIĆ. (03/2015). Assessing Banking Sector Stability: with Special Reference to Montenegro and Central and Eastern Europe.
  22. PhD: Selena BEGOVIC (05-2015). The Currency Board Arrangement in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sustainability, Desirability and Exit Strategies.
  23. PhD: Merima BALAVAC (08-2015). Export diversification, determinants and effect on output volatility: the case of the Western Balkan economies.
  24. PhD: Rilind KABASHI (10-2015). Effects of fiscal policy on growth and on macroeconomic stability in European transition countries, with special reference to Macedonia.
  25. PhD: Albulenë KASTRATI (12-2015). The Relationship between Output Gap and Excess Liquidity in European Transition Economies.
  26. PhD: Marjan IVANOVSKI (06-2016). Asset bubbles in underdeveloped financial markets with influential institutional investors: evidence from South East European (SEE) financial markets.
  27. PhD: Arta HOXHA (06-2019). Investigating the transmission channels of global financial crisis to the real economy with special reference to Western Balkan economies – causes, effects and policy response.
  28. PhD: Arbresh RAVENI (10-2020). Fiscal Policy in small open economies in transition, with particular reference to Macedonia.
  29. PhD: Berat HAVOLI (04-2021). Determinants and Economic Consequences of the Cost of Government Borrowing: With Particular Reference to Selected European Transition Economies.
  30. PhD: Simon MILOSHESKI (08-2021). The Detection and Quantification of House Price Bubbles for (i) United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany and (ii) a Panel of East European countries.
  31. PhD: Spiro LAZAROSKI (08/23). Investigating the transmission channels by which exogenous shocks originating in the global economy are transmitted to the countries of the Western Balkans (2003-2015).


Business and Management

  1. PhD: Jane KENNEDY (05/08). Understanding High Performance in English County Councils.
  2. PhD: Lumir ABDIXHIKU (12/13). The Determinants of Tax Compliance by Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Transition Economies with Special Reference to Kosovo.
  3. PhD: Lorraine LIMBRICK (03/18). A strategic analysis of the UK ceramics industry.
  4. DBA: Andrew STEPHENSON (03/2021). Using the Net Promoter System Methodology to Deliver Cultural Change in Retail Organisations: Impacting both the Customer and Employee Experience.
  5. External Supervisor, PhD at Harper Adams University: Tiantian LIU (03/2023). Chinese entrepreneurial proclivity and the conjectured link with the experience of foreign sojourns: Evidence from a study involving undergraduate students based in Beijing.


Education policy and economics of education

  1. PhD: Shqiponje TELHAJ (11/04). The Construction and Use of Value-added Indicators in Education.
  2. PhD: Noshin FLYNN (06/07). Individual and Strategic Relations; the contribution of the UK voluntary sector in the brokerage and delivery of lifelong learning: a social capital approach within a qualitative case study design.


Research Degrees Currently Supervised:

Applied Economics

  1. PhD: Capital Flows and Sustainability of the European Monetary Union.
  2. PhD: Evaluating the potential of public policy to jointly promote firms’ exporting and innovation.


Business and Management

  1. PhD: Business start-ups by older workers in areas undergoing the consequences of deindustrialisation.
  2. PhD: The role of the regional university’s student-led projects as drivers of the regional innovation eco-system (RIeS): towards unlocking innovation capacity and embedding emerging and higher skills needs in regional SMEs to shape companies’ strategies and access high-growth markets


  • The relative effectiveness of R&D tax credits and R&D subsidies: A comparative Meta-Regression Analysis, Technovation. (With Chris Dimos, Mehtap Hisarciklilar, Ema Talam and Ian Jackson.) Accepted 25-12-2021; Available online 01-03-2022.
  • Fiscal Performance and Elections in the Context of a Transition Economy, Economic Systems. (With: Endrit Lami, Drini Imami, and Iraj Hashi.) Vol. 45, No. 2 (June 2021).
  • The effect of a currency board arrangement on subjective assessments of a country’s economic performance, International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies. (With: Selena Begovic and Nick Adnett.) (Accepted: 21-06-2020.) DOI: 10.1504/IJEPEE.2020.10034480
  • The Effectiveness of Psychological Skills Training and Behavioral Interventions in Sport using Single-Case Designs: A Meta Regression Analysis of the Peer-Reviewed Studies, Psychology of Sport & Exercise, Vol.51 (November). (With: Jamie Barker; Matt Slater; Marc Jones; Paul McCarthy; Stephen Mellalieu; and Aiden Moran.) Online publication: 02-09-2020.
  • Privatization by Auction: Determinants of Asset Prices in Kosovo, Eastern European Economics. (With Petrit Gashi and Iraj Hashi) Online publication: 15-05-2020DOI: 10.1080/00128775.2020.1754858 
  • The Effect of Currency Board Arrangements on Inflation Performance in Transition Countries Before and During the Global Financial Crisis, Finance a úvěr - Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.69(6) pp.510-37. (2019). (With Selena Begovic and Nick Adnett.)
  • Entrepreneurship education in China: evidence from a preliminary scoping study of enterprising tendency in Chinese university students, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Vol. 12(2), pp. 305-326. (April 2020) (With Tiantian Liu, Keith Walley and Paul Adkins)
  • Are forced migrants more skilled? A theoretical model of self-selection in forced migration, Southeastern Europe, 43(3): 231-54 (October/November 2019). (With: Nermin Oruc and Ian Jackson.) DOI:
  • Closer to election, more light: electricity supply and elections in transition economies, the case of Kosovo , Post-Communist Economies (With: Drini Imami; Endrit Lami; Edvin Zhllima; and Muje Gjonbalaj). Published online: 22 Sep 2019.
  • Election Cycles and Mining Sector Governance in Post-conflict Kosovo. Post-Communist Economies. Published online: 19-03-2019. (With: Luca Uberti, Drini Imami, and Endrit Lami.)
  • The Effects of Remittances on Education in a Post-Conflict Society: Evidence from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 21(1) 90-103 (2019). First published online 20-11-2018: (With: Nermin Oruc and Ian Jackson.)
  • Cooperation for innovation and its impact on technological and non-technological innovations: empirical evidence for European SMEs in traditional manufacturing industries, International Journal of Innovation Management, 23(5) (June 2019). (With: Dragana Radicic, David Douglas and Ian Jackson). 
  • Motivations and expectations of study abroad: evidence from a study of Chinese undergraduate students on a higher education Trans-National Education (TNE) programme, The Journal of Academic Development and Education, 10 (August 2018) (With: Tiantian Liu, Keith Walley, Paul Adkins, Sandra Turner, & Feng Tan)
  • The effect of ethnic diversity on income – an empirical investigation using survey data from a post-conflict environment. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018-17): 1–34. (With: Adnan Efendic.)
  • Business Tax Evasion in Transition Economies: A Cross-Country Panel Investigation, European Journal of Comparative Economics, 15(1) (2018): 11-36 (With: Lumir Abdixhiku and Iraj Hashi).
  • Output gap in transition economies using unobserved component method: the case of Czech republic, Estonia and Kosovo, Economic Thought and Practice (Ekonomska misao i praksa) No. 2/2017. (With Albulenë Kastrati and Valentin Toçi).
  • Firm Level Determinants of Tax Evasion in Transition Economies. Economic Systems, 41, 354-366. (With Lumir Abdixhiku, Besnik Krasniqi and Iraj Hashi). On-line publication: August 2017.
  • Performance Effects of External Search Strategies in European Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Journal of Small Business Management, 55, 76-114. (With Dragana Radicic). First published on-line: Feb.15th 2017.
  • Kosovo – EU trade relations: a dynamic panel poisson approach, Applied Economics, 49:27, 2642-2654, DOI:10.1080/00036846.2016.1245836. To link to this article: (with Petrit Gashi and Mehtap Hisarciklilar). Online publication 03-11-2016.
  • R&D programmes, policy mix, and the “European Paradox”: evidence from European SMEs, Science and Public Policy, 44 ( 4 ) ( 2017 ) , pp. 497 – 512. (With Dragana Radicic).
    First published online: October 2, 2016.
  • The link between trade openness, export diversification, institutions and output volatility in transition countries, Economic Systems, 40 273-287 (June 2016) (with Merima Balavac).
  • Dimos, C. and Pugh, G. The effectiveness of R&D subsidies: a meta-regression analysis of the evaluation literature. Research Policy 45 (2016) 797–815. First published online, 02-02-2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2016.01.002
  • The impact of innovation support programs on small and medium enterprises innovation in traditional manufacturing industries: An evaluation for seven European Union regions.Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 34(8) (December 2016): 1425-1452. First published online December 18, 2015 (with Dragana Radicic, Hugo Hollanders, René Wintjes and Jon Fairburn) doi:10.1177/0263774X15621759
  • An investigation into the credibility of currency board arrangements in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria,Journal of Comparative Economics, 44(3) (August 2016) 787–799 (on-line prepublication 29-07-2015) (with Selena Begovic and Nick Adnett) : doi:10.1016/j.jce.2015.07.003
  • Institutional Effects on Economic Performance in Transition:a Dynamic Panel Analysis, Acta Oeconomica,Vol. 65 (4), pp. 503–523 (December 2015) (with Adnan Efendic).DOI: 10.1556/032.65.2015.4.1
  • Issues in the Estimation of Dynamic Happiness Models: A Comment on "Does Childhood Predict Adult Life Satisfaction?". Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 10 (2016-5): 1—6. (with Alan Piper)
  • The Effectiveness of Non-Surgical Weight Management Interventions for Obesity in the UK: A Review and Meta-Regression Analysis, Open Journal of Medical Psychology, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2014, pp. 235-249 (with J. Randall, M. Slater, A. Stewart, K. Lewis, C. Levy and P. Alessandri-Gray,). doi: 10.4236/ojmp.2014.33025.
  • School Expenditure and School Performance: Evidence from New South Wales schools using a dynamic panel analysis, British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2 (April 2014), pp. 244–264 (with Jean Mangan, Dragana Radicic and Vincent Blackburne).
  • Export Behaviour of SMEs in Transition Countries, Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, Vol.42(2):407–435 (February 2014) (with Iraj Hashi and Petrit Gashi):
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Output Growth Volatility: A Worldwide Analysis, International Review of Economics and Finance. Vol.25 (2013) pp.260-271 (with Bruno Ćorić). Available online since 20-07-2011: DOI:
  • Does Exchange Rate Volatility Discourage International Trade? A Meta-Regression Analysis, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development (with Mekbib Haile). Vol. 22(3) (April 2013) pp.321-350. DOI:10.1080/09638199.2011.565421.
  • Invited submission: protocols for the practice of meta-regression in economics (member of an authorial collective of leading practitioners)Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Reporting Guidelines, Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol.27(2), pp. 390–394, April 2013 (with Tom Stanley et al.).
  • Can Powerful Buyers “Exploit” SME Suppliers? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. Vol.19, Issue 2 (May 2012) pp.322-334 (with David Tyrrall and John Wyld).
  • Institutions and Economic Performance: A Meta-Regression Analysis, the European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 27, No.3 (September 2011) pp.586-599 (with Adnan Effendic and Nick Adnett).
  • Confidence in Formal Institutions and Reliance on Informal Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina: an Empirical Investigation Using Survey Data, The Economics of Transition, Vol. 19, Issue 3 (2011), pp. 521-540, 2011 (with Adnan Efendic and Nick Adnett).
  • Constraints on Exchange Rate Flexibility in Transition Economies: a Meta-Regression Analysis of Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Applied Economics, Vol.43 (27) (2011) pp.4111-4125 (with Igor Velickovski). 
  • Do increased resources increase educational attainment during a period of rising expenditure? Evidence from English secondary schools using a dynamic panel analysis,
    British Educational Research Journal, Volume 37, Issue 1, (2011), pp.163-189 (with Jean Mangan and John Gray).“Commended” at the 2012 Conference of the British Educational Research Association. (Each year, in the “Best Paper” awards, one research paper is selected as the “Best paper” and two more are “Commended”).
  • Evaluating the impact of progressive beer duty on small breweries:  a case study of tax breaks to promote SMEs, Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, Vol.28 (2) (2010) pp.225-40 (with John Wyld and David Tyrrall).
  • Technological change and employer-provided training: evidence from UK workplaces,
    International Journal of Manpower, Vol.31, No.4 (July 2010), pp.426-448 (with Ardiana Gashi and Nick Adnett).
  • The effects of exchange rate variability on international trade: a Meta-Regression Analysis, Applied Economics, Vol.42 (20) (2010), pp.263-2644 (with Bruno Ćorić).
  • Evaluating the effects of the M6 Toll Road on industrial land development and employment, Regional Studies, Vol.42, No.7, pp.977-90 (August 2008) (with John Fairburn).
  • Faith schools, social capital and academic attainment: evidence from TIMSS-R mathematics scores in Flemish secondary schools, British Educational Research Journal, Vol.34, No.2 (April 2008), pp.235-67 (with Shqiponje Telhaj).
  • Institutions and economic performance: an overview of empirical research with the main focus on transition economies, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.2, No.1, pp.25-30 (April 2007) (with Adnan Efendic).
  • Should we have faith in not-for-profit providers of schooling?, Journal of Education Policy, Vol.21, No.1, pp.19-33 (with Nick Adnett and Peter Davies) (Jan. 2006).
  • Changes in Examination Performance in English Secondary Schools over the Course of a Decade, School Effectiveness and School Improve­ment, Vol.16, No.1 (March 2005) pp.29-50 (with Jean Mangan and John Gray).
  • Performance Indicators and Widening Participation in UK Higher Education,Higher Education Quarterly, Vol.59, No.1 (Jan. 2005) pp.19-39 (with Nick Adnett and Gwen Coates).
  • The provision and accessibility of small business Web sites: a survey of independent UK breweries, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol.11, No. 3 (2004)(E-commerce Special Edition) pp.302-314 (with Jackie Fry, David Tyrrall and John Wyld).
  • What’s in a trend? A comment on Gray, Goldstein and Thomas (2001), British Educational Research Journal, Vol.29, No.1 (2003) pp.77-82 (with Jean Mangan).
  • Introduction: Skilling and the role of the firm, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 24, No.1 (Jan.-March 2003) pp.7-10 (with Thomas Lange, Gwen Coates and Melissa Spore)
  • Will the single currency promote intra-European trade?, European Business Journal, Vol.14, No.3 (September 2002) pp.150-57 (with David Tyrrall).
  • Will progressive beer duty really help UK small breweries? A case study in profit appropriation, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol.8, No.4 (Winter 2001) pp.311-338 (with David Tyrrall and John Wyld).
  • Reforms in the new German labour market: a case for institutional corporatism, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.22, No.6 (Sept.-Oct. 2001) pp.494-507 (with Thomas Lange and Lothar Funk).
  • Consensus in the German labour market: Economic consequences and the implications for reform, International Journal of Manpower, Vol.22, No.6 (Sept.-Oct. 2001) pp.526-543 (with David Tyrrall).
  • Culture, productivity and competitive advantage: the role of consensus in sustaining innovation, Economic Issues (Dec.2000) – Special Issue on Economics and Business Strategy - pp.5-25 (with David Tyrrall).
  • An Experimental Test of Trade Hysteresis: market exit and entry decisions in the presence of sunk costs and exchange rate uncertainty, Applied Economics, Vol.31, No.4 (April 1999) pp.427-36 (with David Ansic).
  • Financial Markets, the Maastricht Convergence Criteria and the “Depoliticising” of Fiscal Policy, Current Economics and Politics of Europe, Vol.8, No.2 (Winter 1998) pp.207-24
  • Monetary Cooperation in Europe and the problem of differential productivity growth, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.12, No.3 (Sept.1998) pp.445-57 (with Bob Beachill).
  • ‘Wage Policy and Transition in Eastern Germany’, The International Journal of Manpower, Vol.19, Nos. 1&2 (April 1998) pp.95-114 (with Thomas Lange).
  • The Profit Elasticity of investment in West Germany and the investment diversion effects of unification, Applied Economics Letters, Vol.5 (February 1998) pp.97-99.
  • Reaping the Bundesbank’s Whirlwind in Germany, New Political Economy, Volume 2, No.3 (November, 1997) pp.496-502 (with Charlie Jeffery).
  • High-tech investment and learning-by-doing: an alternative training strategy, Education and Training, Vol.39, Nos.8-9 (November, 1997) pp.316-21 (with Thomas Lange)
  • Die Ökonomischen Konzequenzen der deutschen Wiedervereinigung für die Europäische Gemeinschaft, Berichte, Forschungsinstitut der Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Vereinigung Weltwirtschaft und Weltpolitik (Sept.1994), pp.53-66 (Translation: ‘The Economic Consequences of German Reunification for the European Community’, Reports of the Research Institute of the International Scientific Union for World Economics and Politics, Berlin).
  • Problems of Economic Transformation in Eastern Germany, The British Review of Economic Issues, Vol.15, No.37 (October 1993) pp.121-44. (The BREI was subsequently renamed Economic Issues.)
  • Department for Children, Schools and Families: London, UK:Pugh, G., Mangan J. and Gray, J. (2008) Resources and Attainment at Key Stage 4: Estimates from a Dynamic Methodology. Publication Code: DCSF-RR056. Published 30-10-2008. *
  • New Zealand Ministry of Education,Research Division: Wellington, New Zealand: Rentoul J., Rosanowski J., Demster N., Fisher D., Hosking N., Hunter R., Pugh, G. and Walford G. (2000) New Zealand Ministry of Education Strategic Research Initiative. Literature Review 4. The Effects of School Governance, Ownership, Organisation and Management on Educational Outcomes.ISBN 0-477-05181-2
  • Guest editorship of an international journal (SSCI listed):International Journal of Manpower: Special issue on ‘Skilling and the role of the firm’, Vol. 24, No.1 (Jan.-March 2003) (with Thomas Lange, Gwen Coates and Melissa Spore).
  • Guest editorship of an international journal (SSCI listed):International Journal of Manpower: Special issue on ‘Reform of the new German labour market’, Vol.22, No.6 (Sept.-Oct. 2001) (with Thomas Lange and Lothar Funk). 
  • Monograph: The Economics of German Unification (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998);
    with Thomas Lange.
  • Textbook: Public Policy and the Financial Environment (London: BPP, 1992); with Bob Beachill and Bob Leach; 2nd Edition, 1993.
  • Sources in Modern European History (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987); with Dr. Chris Cook. 
  • 'The Effects of Remittances on Education in a Post-Conflict Society: Evidence from Bosnia-Herzegovina’, in Russell King and Nermin Oruc (eds), Migration in the Western Balkans: What do we know? (London: Routledge, 2019) (with Nermin Oruc and Ian Jackson).
  • ‘An Introduction to Meta-Regression Analysis (MRA): Using the Example of the Trade Effects of Exchange Rate Variability’, in Guido Erreygers and Mieke Vermeire (eds), Macroeconomics and Beyond: Essays in honour of Wim Meeusen (Antwerp-Apeldoorn: Garant, 2011) (with Bruno Ćorić and Mekbib Haile)
  • 'The German Economic Model: Consensus, Stability, Productivity and the Implications for Reform’, in Ben Clift and Jonathan Perraton (eds), Where are National Capitalisms Now? (Basingstoke: MacMillan, 2004) (with Clare Annesley and David Tyrrall).
  • ‘Institutional Perspectives on Reforming the New German Labour Market’, in Lothar Funk and Simon Green (eds), New Aspects of Labour Market Policy (Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 2002) (with Lothar Funk and Thomas Lange)
  • 'The DM' s Undervaluation and West Germany's Economic Performance', in Jens Hölscher (ed.), Fifty Years Deutsche Mark (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2001) (with Jens Hölscher and Eric Owen-Smith) – Festschrift for Stephen Frowen
  • 'The Pottery Industry: Exploding the Myths and Charting the Way’, in Ian Jackson, Suzanne Leech, Michael O’Keefe, Les Trustrum (eds), Ceramic Ambitions and Strategic Directions (Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Business School, 2000) (with Hugh Padley).
  • ‘Exchange rate variability, international trade and the single currency debate: a survey’, in Wim Meeusen (ed.), Current Issues in European Economic Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1999).
  • ‘Catching up with the West: the achievements and limitations of creative destruction’, in Jens Hölscher and Anja Hochberg (eds), East Germany’s Economic Development Since Unification: Domestic and Global Aspects (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998).
  • 'Uneven productivity growth, monetary integration and unemployment in Europe’, in Thomas Lange (ed.), Unemployment in Theory and Practice (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998).
  • 'Economic Reform in Germany: 1948 and 1990’, in Len Shackleton and Thomas Lange (eds), Germany: An Economy in Transition (Oxford: Berg, 1998).
  • ‘Financial Systems and Industrial Performance’, in Len Shackleton and Thomas Lange (eds), Germany: An Economy in Transition (Oxford: Berg, 1998).
  • ‘The Treuhand: a positive account’, in Len Shackleton and Thomas Lange (eds), Germany: An Economy in Transition (Oxford: Berg, 1998) (with Thomas Lange).
  • ‘The Investment Diversion Effects of German Unification’, in Jens Hölscher and Steven Frowen (eds), The German Currency Union of 1990: A Critical Assessment (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997).
  • ‘European trade and the single currency’, Financial Management (April 2003) (with David Tyrrall).
  • 'The Pottery Industry: Exploding the Myths’, Staffordshire Life (January 2000) (with Hugh Padley). 
  • 'German Unification and the EC', Economia, Vol.3, Part 2 (Winter 1993) pp.38-45.
  • 'Monetary Consequences of German Unification: Why Germany has high interest rates', Economics and Business Education, Vol.1, Part 1, No.3 (Autumn 1993) pp.116-123 (with David Carr).
  • 'Making Links Between Economics and Mathematics at A-Level', Economics (March, 1991) pp.25-27.


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