Wright, P. & FORRESTER, G. (2025) “It starts with me!” Teachers’ shifting perspectives on developing their practice away from fixed ability grouping. Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 154, February, 104870. Published online: ttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0742051X24004037 https://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/8556/
FORRESTER, G., Hudson, R., Rowley, J. & Pugh, J (2024) Mind the aspiration gap: how primary school pupils perceive their future adult selves and the perspectives and expectations of parents and teachers, Educational Review. 76(4), 732–752. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2134845 https://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/7861/
Hetherington, J.E. & Forrester, G. (2024) Illusionary, silencing and civilising - (un)democratic practices in school governance. Journal of Education Policy. Published online http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02680939.2024.2349075 https://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/8268/
Hetherington, J.E. & FORRESTER, G. (2023) Brand advantage, risk mitigation, and the illusion of democracy: Approaches to school governance. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. Published online https://doi.org/10.1177/17411432231194852 https://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/7861/
FORRESTER, G., Basford, J., Hudson, R. & Pugh, J. (2023) Living and learning through lockdown: a fictionalisation of the challenges and opportunities of homeschooling during a global pandemic, Education 3-13, 51 (4), 557-570, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1988674 https://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/7032/
Hetherington, J.E. & FORRESTER, G. (2022) Values-led governance and parental and community engagement in the Co-operative Academies Trust: an alternative in the neoliberal context of education? Management in Education, 36(1), 34–41. DOI :10.1177/08920206211051465 http://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/7025/
FORRESTER, G., Pugh, J., Hudson, R. & Rowley, J. (2022) Understanding the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage: practitioners’ perspectives of best practice and effective provision, Education 3-13, 50(8), 1072-1084. DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1930095 http://eprints.staffs.ac.uk/6817/
FORRESTER, G., Kurth, J., Vincent, P. and Oliver, M. (2020) Schools as community assets: an exploration of the merits of an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, Educational Review, 72(4), 443-458. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1529655
Hennessy, C. & FORRESTER G. (2014) Developing a framework for effective audio feedback: a case study. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (7) 777-789.
FORRESTER, G. (2011) Editorial: Performance management in education. Management in Education, 25 (1), 3-4.
FORRESTER, G. (2011) Performance management in education: milestone or millstone? Management in Education, 25 (1), 5-9. https://doi.org/10.1177/0892020610383902
Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) New Labour and the Logic of Practice in Educational Reform. Critical Studies in Education. 51 (1), 55-69.
Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2009) School Leadership and Education Policymaking in England. Policy Studies. 30 (5), 495-511.
Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2009) Institutionalised Governance: the case of the National College for School Leadership. International Journal of Public Administration. 32, 349-369.
Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2008) Knowledge Production in Educational Leadership Project. Research Intelligence, Issue 104, 19.
Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2008) New Labour and School Leadership 1997-2007. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55 (2), 144-162.
FORRESTER, G. & Parkinson, G. (2006) 'Mind the gap': The application of a conceptual model to investigate distance learners' expectations and perceptions of induction. Issues In Educational Research, 16(2), 152-170.
FORRESTER, G., Motteram, G. & Liu, B.X. (2006) Transforming teachers' thinking, learning and understanding via e-learning. Journal of Education for Teaching: international research and pedagogy. 32 (2), 197-212.
Motteram, G., Banxiang, L. L. & FORRESTER, G. (2005) Web-based reflective and collaborative learning for Chinese teachers: Effective approaches for transforming perceptions and actions in teaching and learning. China Educational Technology & Equipment, 9. [In Chinese]
FORRESTER, G. (2005) All in a day’s work: primary teachers ‘performing’ and ‘caring’. Gender and Education. 17(3), 271-287.
Motteram, G. & FORRESTER, G. (2005) Becoming an online distance learner: what can be learned from students’ experiences of induction to distance programmes? Distance Education. 26(3), 281-298.
FORRESTER, G., Motteram, G., Parkinson, G., & Slaouti, D. (2005) ‘Going the distance’: students’ experiences of induction to distance learning in higher education’. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 29(4), 293-306.
FORRESTER, G. (2001) Performance related pay for teachers: an examination of the underlying objectives and its application in practice. Public Management Review. 3(4), 617 -625.
FORRESTER, G. (2000) Professional autonomy versus managerial control: the experience of teachers in an English primary school. International Studies in Sociology of Education. 10 (2), 133-151.
FORRESTER, G. & Garratt, D. (2016) Education Policy Unravelled, 2nd edn. London: Bloomsbury.
Garratt, D. & FORRESTER, G. (2012) Education Policy Unravelled. London: Continuum.
Book chapters
FORRESTER, G. (2023) What do you know? Knowledge Production in Educational Leadership. In Fitzgerald, T. & Courtney, S. (Eds.) Critical Education Policy and Leadership Studies: Essays in Honour of the Intellectual Contributions of Helen M. Gunter. Charn, Switzerland. Springer.
Hudson, R., FORRESTER, G., Rowley, J. & Pugh, J. (2023) Reasons, resources and reality: Investigating the complexity of pupils’ aspirations and how they conceive pathways to their future adult selves. In: Chiou,V., Geunis, L., Holz, O., Ertürk, N. O., Ratkowska-Pasikowska, J. & Shelton, F. (Eds.) Contemporary Challenges in Education. Paradoxes and Illuminations. Münster. Germany: Waxmann Publishing Co., pp. 130-140.
FORRESTER, G., Hudson-Gill, R. & Pugh, J. (2019) Understanding the World: A pilot study of effective practice and provision in early years settings. In V. Chiou, O. Holz, N. Oruç Ertürk and F. Shelton (Eds.) International Insights: Equality in Education. Münster. Germany: Waxmann Publishing Co., pp. 85-98.
Bush, M. & FORRESTER, G. (2019) ‘Women’s Leadership Development: Preparation for Leadership in the Girls’ Secondary Independent Sector in England’, in Storey. V.A. (Ed.) Leading in Change: Implications of School Diversification for School Leadership Preparation in England and the United States. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing (IAP), pp.137-156.
FORRESTER, G. & Gunter, H.M. (2010) New headteachers in schools in England and their approaches to leadership. In: Shoho, A., Barnett, B.G. & Tooms, A.K. (Eds.) The Challenges for New Principals in the 21st Century: Developing Leadership Capabilities Through Professional Support. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing. (Book Series, International Research on School Leadership). pp. 29-49.
Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) Reform of the School Workforce. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (Eds) International Encyclopaedia of Education (3rd Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier. pp. 242–248.
Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) Education Reform and School Leadership. In: S. Brookes and K. Grint (Eds.) The New Public Leadership Challenge. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 54-69.
FORRESTER, G. & Gunter, H.M. (2009) School leaders: meeting the challenge of change. In: C. Chapman & H.M. Gunter (Eds.) Radical Reforms: Public Policy and a Decade of Educational Reform. London: Routledge. pp. 67-79.
Motteram, G., FORRESTER, G., Goldrick, S. & McLachlan, A. (2007) Collaborating Across Boundaries: Managing the Complexities of eLearning Courseware Production in a Joint International Project. In: H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed.) eLearning in China: eChina Perspectives on Policy, Pedagogy and Innovation. Hong Kong University Press. pp.189-201.