Professor Hamidreza Gohari Darabkhani

Professor-Low Carbon & Renew Energy Sys

Digital, Tech, Innovation & Business

With over 20 years of work experience in both industry and academia, Prof Gohari Darabkhani has focused his research and industry collaborations on technologies and projects that directly contribute to resolving current major issues in the energy industry to achieving net-zero emission targets by 2050. Prof Gohari Darabkhani is an expert with a proven track record in carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, renewable energy systems (e.g., biofuels, H2, wind, hydro, solar, and geothermal) and Micro Combined Heat and Power (Micro-CHP) systems in smart buildings. He is also actively working on renewable energy storage and regeneration technologies including hydrogen generation and fuel cell and liquid air batteries. Prof Gohari Darabkhani is an expert in design of NetZero energy/emission buildings and working on energy management systems and provide more flexible and reliable micro grid system in smart cities. Prof Gohari has actively contributed to the proposal writing, technical management, and delivery of over £7m research council and/or industry-funded projects in low carbon and renewable energy systems.

I have over two decades of industrial and academic work experience in the fields of Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Systems, Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies, Micro Combined Heat and Power (Micro-CHP) systems and in Oil & Gas engineering. I received my PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Combustion & Energy Conversion Systems) in 2010 from the University of Manchester in the UK, following an MSc with distinction in Aerospace Engineering (Power and Propulsion Systems) and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids) from Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran. On completion of my PhD in May 2010, I started a short term Postdoctoral Research Assistant position on an EPSRC funded project in collaboration between the University of Manchester and the University of Leeds working on laser-based THz-TDS transmission measurements of sooty laminar diffusion flames at elevated pressures.

In September 2010, I joined Cranfield University as a Research Fellow before being promoted to an Academic Fellow in energy processes. During 6 years of work at Cranfield University, I actively contributed to proposal writing, technical management and delivery of over £5m research council and industrially funded projects in clean energy and CCUS technologies. The research projects included, EPSRC Gas-FACTS: Gas-Future Advanced Capture Technology Systems; EPSRC/EON OxyCAP UK: Oxyfuel Combustion-Academic programme for the UK; TSB/EPSRC AOPC: Oxy-hybrid Power Cycle with Advanced Heat Recovery Network; and UKERC UK energy futures: mapping uncertainties and risks. Additionally, I was the Principal Investigator (PI) of an ERDF & EEDA Low Carbon KEEP project in design, fabrication and experimental work on a biomass externally fired Micro-CHP system for domestic applications.

In August 2016, I joined Staffordshire University as a Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, and in 2017 I managed to secure an innovative UK project funding and two PhD studentships. The Innovate UK-Energy Catalyst round-4, Mid Stage proposal titled, ‘Micro Turbine Renewable Energy Combustor MiTREC-ref 103502' received £935k funding from Innovate UK (total value £1.3m) for successful development of a 12kWe microturbine generator (MTG) working on biogas for the first time in the energy market. In September 2017, I was promoted to Associate Professor of Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Systems where I worked on the development of a new research-informed and industry-oriented curriculum for the MSc Engineering courses at Staffordshire University. The new syllabus was defined based on the latest industry needs/demands towards smart, advanced, and digital technologies. Consequently, I became the MSc Engineering Awards Scheme Leader until 2021 and I am now MSc course leader in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Energy Technologies. Considering the importance of internationalism and collaboration in teaching and research, I designed and led a module titled, ‘Low carbon and renewable energy systems for smart cities’ in a dual MSc degree distance learning course called ‘Sustainable Smart Cities’ between the University of Alabama in the US and Staffordshire University in the UK. Further to this course's success, I closely engaged in a joint course programme between the ECAM Lyon University in France and Staffordshire University, and delivered a series of lectures that encouraged more than 20 European students to join our MSc Mechanical Engineering programme at Staffordshire University.

In August 2018, I was promoted to a chair position as Professor of Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Systems following my successful achievements in research, teaching and academic leadership criteria including: technical management and successful completion of the MiTREC project (£1.3m); securing £80k ERDF funding from the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND) project in collaboration with DRM Technic and Keele University; developing two Newton funded projects; consultancy projects with industry; two Institutional QR GCRF collaboration awards with the University of Sao Paulo (USP) in Brazil and the Energy Institute in Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in Turkey; a successful Newton Institutional Links project (£300k) on ‘Feasibility study for developing large-scale narrow bandgap polymeric solar cell’ in collaboration with Alexandria University in Egypt (2020-2022); securing £120k UKRI grant from Staffordshire Advanced Manufacturing, Prototyping and Innovation Demonstrator (SAMPID) programme in a project titled, ‘Exploiting Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Development of Highly Efficient Micro-Gas Turbine Systems’ (2020-2023). I have completed three industry projects with DRM Technic Ltd, Strimplates UK Ltd and Addfield Environmental Systems Ltd, under the SAMPID and SAMIAC programmes with and one is ongoing under the Pathfinder scheme with DESMI Pumps.

I am the Deputy of the Staffordshire Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Engineering (SCRSE) that I was entirely engaged with the proposal writing and formation of the Centre in 2021 (Launch of the Centre). In 2022 two project grants are secured; the first is a British Academy’s Horizon Europe Pump Priming Collaboration between UK and EU Partners - March 2022. The primary aim is to establish a consortium of partners to collaborate under the Pillar 2 Horizon Europe initiative for submission of a proposal to the Horizon Europe. The second is a UK-Egypt Higher Education Climate Change Partnerships Grants from UK Research Council 2022-2023 (£35k). This project is in collaboration with Alexandria University to build the universities’ resilient to climate change by public awareness, sustainable education, and technology development towards net zero carbon campus and to present results in COP27.

I received the ‘highly commended Research with Impact Award’ certificate from Staffordshire University in 2019. In 2018 a project under my supervision received the prestigious Engineering Excellence Award 2017 from Ghana Institution of Engineers (GhIE). My MSc student Mr Frank K. Pinto received the award for the “Best Implementation of Engineering Solutions” in removal of black powder impurities from natural gas transmission pipelines in Ghana Gas Projects. My research achievements also include; The best presentation award of ICCCST2018: 20th International Conference on Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies, the best paper award of WCE 2010, and the best research presentation award and the runner-up research poster prize, awarded by British Petroleum (BP) at the PGR-MACE 2009 conference.

I have a strong track record in teaching and supervision of UG and PG students. I have supervised 11 PhD students and over 80 MSc and BSc students in energy, carbon capture and oil & gas fields. I have over 60 high ranked journal publications and conference proceedings, book chapters and online reports. My recent book “Carbon Capture Technologies for Gas-Turbine-Based Power Plants,” is under publication by Elsevier, 1st Edition - September 1, 2022. From my academic and industry work, I have a range of experience in design, simulation, retrofitting and test expertise in atmospheric/high-pressure NG/Syngas/Biogas/H2 combustors in energy systems (e.g., 20 bar diffusion flame combustor, 100 kW oxyfuel combustor, 100 kW CO2 membrane rig, 2kWe Micro-CHP boiler, 12kWe MGT biogas combustor, 3kWe H2 flameless combustor).

I have established a strong academic and industrial network of experts to help me in developing research proposals and applying for both research council and industrial projects funding. I am currently an active member of Energy, Environment & Sustainability Forum in Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), a professional member in the European Turbine Network (ETN) and an academic member of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC). I am Guest Editor of Energies in a special issue titled: Micro-turbines for hydrogen fuels and reviewer of several major energy Journals including: Energy Conversion and Management, Hydrogen Energy, Cleaner Productions, Greenhouse Gas Control, Combustion Science and Technology, Renewable Energy, Energy Storage, Exergy, Energy & Fuel, Modern Applied Science, ACS Omega and Energies.

Other Professional Links:

The University of Manchester: Link



Scopus: Link

Google Scholar: Link

Research Gate: Link

Video Links:

Professional memberships and activities

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Professional Member and committee co-leader in Micro Gas Turbine (MGT) systems in European Turbine Network (ETN)
  • Academic Member of the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC)
  • Member of the Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce Energy, Environment & Sustainability Forum
  • Interim Committee Member of Staffordshire Climate Change Matters Network
  • Guest Editor of Energies a Special Issue Titled: Micro-turbines for hydrogen fuels, 2021
  • Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
  • Editorial Board Member of SCIREA Journal of Energy

Academic qualifications

  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Combustion & Energy)-2010, The University of Manchester, UK.
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice-2018, Cranfield University, UK
  • MSc in Aerospace Engineering (Power & Propulsion Systems)-2001, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran.
  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering (Thermofluids)-1997, Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran.


  • Net-Zero emission energy scenarios.
  • Carbon capture technologies (oxyfuel/pre/post combustion capture).
  • Micro Combined Heat and Power (Micro-CHP) systems for smart buildings.
  • Renewable energy systems (e.g., biofuel, wind, solar, geothermal, marine).
  • H2 generation, storage, and utilisation (e.g., Fuel Cells-FC, Micro Gas Turbines-MGT, Internal Combustion Engines-ICE).
  • Energy storage technologies (liquid/compressed air, H2-FC, batteries).
  • CO2 storage for Enhanced Oil/Gas Recovery (EOR/EGR).
  • Design, simulation, and testing NG/Biogas/Syngas/H2
  • Process simulation, performance analysis and CFD modelling.
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
  • High pressure combustion and combustion diagnostics.
  • Thermofluids, heat transfer and thermodynamics.

Research interests

  • Low-carbon and renewable energy systems for Smart Cities.
  • Energy management and integration systems.
  • Co/Tri generation in smart buildings (Micro-CHP and CCHP).
  • Alternative renewable fuels (e.g., Biogas, Syngas, H2, Biohythane).
  • Carbon capture in power plants and heavy industries (oxyturbine power cycles, gasification, membrane technologies).
  • H2 generation and utilisation (in boilers, micro gas turbine and fuel cells).
  • Wind, solar, geothermal, marine energy systems.
  • Energy storage and regeneration technologies (e.g., liquid air batterie, H2-FC, hydro pump storage).
  • Carbon reduction in heavy industries (e.g., steel, glass, chemicals).
  • Environmental pollution and global warming.

Enterprise and commercial interests

I have extensively worked in collaborative R&D programmes on technologies to resolve the current major issues in atmospheric pollutions and global warming, to achieve net-zero emission targets. I am an expert with proven track record in low carbon technologies (e.g., CCS, Micro-CHP, H2-FC, Liquid air batteries) and in renewable energy systems (e.g., bioenergy, wind, geothermal, marine, and solar). I have research and enterprise interest in utilising alternative fuels (e.g., Biofuel, Hydrogen, Syngas, Biohythane) in MGT and ICE systems for decentralised heat, power, and cooling generation. I have commercial interest in developing clean energy systems for smart buildings, deploying advanced manufacturing technologies in energy systems and in carbon reduction from heavy industries (e.g., steel manufacturing). I am working on energy storage and regeneration systems including H2 fuel cell and liquid/compressed air batteries to support more flexible and reliable grid systems. I have extensive experience of working with both national and international partners and actively contributed to the proposal writing, technical management, and delivery of over £5m research council and industry-funded projects in low carbon and renewable energy systems.


My main teaching activities are Low carbon and renewable energy systems, engineering design and thermo-fluids. I currently teach the following modules/subjects in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate schemes:


  • Fundamentals of Mechanics and Thermofluids
  • Power plants and clean technology
  • Emerging technologies and innovation in engineering


  • Low carbon and renewable energy systems in smart cities
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies
  • Micro-CHP systems for domestic applications
  • Power and propulsion systems
  • Renewable energy systems
  • Energy storage technologies
  • Professional engineering
  • Independent projects
  • Research Methods


Selected Publications

Journal Papers:

Books / Chapter Books:

  1. Gohari Darabkhani, H., Varasteh, H., Bazooyar, B., “Carbon Capture Technologies for Gas-Turbine-Based Power Plants,” Elsevier Book, 1st Edition - September 1, 2022.
  2. Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Anthony, E. J., Oakey, J. E., “Oxy-fuel Combustion for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) from a Coal/Biomass Power Plant: Experimental and Simulation Studies,” Progress in Clean Energy, Volume 2, Chapter 14, pp. 177-192, Springer, USA, 2015.
  3. Gohari Darabkhani, H., Jurado, N., Simms, N., Oakey, J., “Co-firing of Coal/Biomass in a Pilot-scale Oxy-combustor: Experiences and the Experimental Results,” in the BOOK titled: Fuelling the future: advances in science and technologies for energy generation, transmission and storage, pp. 34-38, Brow Walker Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 2012 (ISBN-13: 978-1-61233-558-2).

Online Technical/Industrial Reports/Webinars:

  1. Gohari Darabkhani, H., “The green road to Net Zero” Presented webinar on 20 May 2021 as part of the UKRI funded Innovation Enterprise program.
  2. Gohari Darabkhani, H., “Micro Combined Heat and Power (Micro CHP) Systems: A Key Strategy to Meet the Paris Agreement Target’s in Future Smart Cities” Presented webinar on 11 Aug 2020 as part of the UKRI funded Innovation Enterprise program.
  3. Prpich G., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Oakey, J., Pollard S., “An investigation into future energy system risks: An industry perspective,” UKERC online publication, 01 Apr 2014.
  4. Sir John HOLMES “The future of hydrocarbons as a global energy source,” The Ditchley Foundation conference, Calgary, Canada, 21-23 October 2011.

Conference Papers/Presentations:

  1. Gohari Darabkhani, H., “The Green Road to NetZero Smart Buildings by 2050,” Session Chair and Keynote Speaker, ICRE 2022, 27th Feb 2022.
  2. Gohari Darabkhani, H., “Low Carbon and Renewable Energy Technologies to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Emission by 2050,” Keynote Speaker, Online International Conference on “Recent Trends in Science, Engineering & Technology" 15-17 June 2021.
  3. Bahamin Bazooyar, Hamidreza Gohari Darabkhani, “Design Procedure and Performance Analysis of a Microturbine Combustor Working on Biogas for Power Generation”. ASME 2019 Turbomachinery Technical Conference (Turbo Expo 2019), 17-21 June 2019, Phoenix, US.
  4. Gohari Darabkhani, H., “Micro combined heat & power (Micro-CHP) systems, a key strategy to meet the Paris Agreement targets in smart cities,” Keynote presentation, Global Summit on Power & Energy Engineering, 18 – 20 February 2019, Dubai, UAE.
  5. The Micro Turbine Renewable Energy Combustor (MiTREC): Challenges in Design and Modelling of a Biogas Combustor in a 12kWe Micro Turbine Generator (MTG). 2nd European Micro Gas Turbine Forum (EMGTF) conference, 26/11/2018, Altran, Madrid, Spain.
  6. Varasteh, Hirbod and Gohari Darabkhani, Hamidreza, Sensitivity and Techno-Economic Analysis of Leading Oxy-Combustion Power Cycles with Full Carbon Capture: NetPower and Supercritical CES. 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-14), 21-26 October 2018, Melbourne, Australia. Available at SSRN:
  7. Presenting MiTREC Project with Bladon MT in the Rushlight Summer Showcase, Church House Westminster, London, Thursday 14 June 2018.
  8. Varasteh, H., Gohari Darabkhani, H., “Sensitivity Analysis of the Heat Exchanger Design in NetPower Oxy-Combustion Cycle for Carbon Capture”, ICCCST 2018: 20th International Conference on Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies, March 15 - 16, 2018 Paris, France (winner of the best presentation award of the conference).
  9. Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Anthony, E. J., Oakey, J. E., “Effect of co-firing on alkali sulfate formation during oxy-combustion,” the 5th Meeting of the IEAGHG International Oxyfuel Combustion - 27-30 October 2015, Wuhan, China.
  10. Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Anthony, E. J., Oakey, J. E., “SO3 and Sulfate levels observed and Operational Issues Co-firing Coal and Biomass blends under Oxy-firing conditions,” the 7th Clean Coal Technologies Conference (CCT), 17-21 May 2015, Krakow, Poland.
  11. Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Anthony, E. J., Oakey, J. E., “Experimental and Simulation Studies of Oxy-fuel Combustion for Carbon Capture and Sequestration from a Coal/Biomass Power Plant,” Proceedings of International Conference on Clean Energy 2014 (ICCE-2014), pp. 2232-2241, 8-12 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
  12. Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Anthony, E. J., Oakey, J. E., “Co-firing Performance of a Retrofitted Oxy-Combustor burning Coal/Biomass Blends: Experimental and Simulation Study,” Proceedings of the 3rd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference (session 4C), 9-13 September 2013, Ponferrada, Spain.
  13. Oakey, J. E., Hussain T, Syed, A.U., Simms, N.J., Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, H., ”Fireside corrosion: Implications and solutions for oxy-combustion boilers,” Workshop on Corrosion, the 3rd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference, 9-13 September 2013, Ponferrada, Spain.
  14. Gohari Darabkhani, H., Oakey, J., Zhang, Y. and Keshmiri, A., “Study of the Flame Structure and Dynamics Using Non-Intrusive Combustion Diagnostic Techniques,” Proceedings of the 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference (AIAA 2013-2605), 24–27 June 2013, San Diego, California, USA.
  15. Keshmiri, A., Erfani, R., and Gohari Darabkhani, H., “An Investigation into the Failure of a Non-Linear Eddy-Viscosity Model in in Capturing the Laminarisation Phenomenon,” Proceedings of the 21st AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (AIAA 2013-2427), 24–27 June 2013, San Diego, California, USA.
  16. Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Anthony, E. J., Oakey, J. E., “Kinetic Simulation of a 100kWth Oxy-Combustor using Aspen Plus,” 12th Carbon Capture, Utilization & Sequestration Conference, May 13-16, 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
  17. Jurado, N., Gohari Darabkhani, Oakey, J. E., “Simulation of Oxy-combustion co-firing Coal and Biomass using Aspen Plus,” Sixth International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies (CCT2013), 12-16 May 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  18. Gohari Darabkhani, H., Banuelos-Saucedo, M., Young, J., Stringer, M., Wright, P., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Miles, R. E. and Ozanyan, K. B., “Sensing in Sooting Flames: THz Time-domain Spectroscopy and Tomography,” Sensors, 2012 IEEE, pp. 1-4, Oct. 2012.
  19. Gohari Darabkhani, H., Jurado, N., Simms, N., Oakey, J., “Retrofitting Practice of a 100kWth Coal/Biomass Air-firing Combustor to the Oxy-firing Mode: Experiences and the Experimental Results,” The Energy and Materials Research Conference (EMR2012), 20-22 June 2012, Malaga, Spain.
  20. Jurado N., Gohari Darabkhani H., and Oakey, J., “Oxy-combustion of Coal/Biomass Mixtures in a 100kWth Combustor,” the 11th Annual Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration Conference, Paper No. 240, April 30 - May 3, 2012., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
  21. Patchigolla K., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Pellegrini Susini G., and Oakey J., “Suitability of UCG gases for Advanced Gas Turbines; Comparison of deep and shallow UCG gases re-combustion and emissions,” the 7th International Conference & Workshop on Underground Coal Gasification, 2-3 May 2012, London, UK.
  22. Gohari Darabkhani, H., Oakey, J., and Zhang, Y., “Improving Stability Limits of Natural Gas Buoyant Diffusion Flames with Co-flow of Air,” ASME-Energy Sustainability & Fuel Cell Conferences (ASME-ESFuelCell2011), Paper No.: ES2011‑54033, 7-10 August 2011, Washington DC, USA.
  23. Gohari Darabkhani, H., A. Legrave, N., Simms, N., Oakey, J., “Fuel Variability Effects on Gaseous Emissions in a Pilot-scale Oxy-firing Combustor, Burning Pulverized Coal and Cereal Co-Product (CCP) Biomass,” 2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference, Paper No. 104, 12-16 September 2011, Queensland, Australia.
  24. Gohari Darabkhani, H., A. Legrave, N., Simms, N., Oakey, J., “Optimum Recycled Flue Gas Ratio in an Oxy-Coal Burner to Achieve Similar Combustion Characteristics to an Air-Fired Operation,” 2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference, Paper No. 108, 12-16 September 2011, Queensland, Australia.
  25. Franchetti, B. M., Cavallo Marincola, F., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Kempf, A. M., “Large Eddy Simulation of a Pulverised Coal Burner under Air and Oxy-Firing Conditions,” 2nd Oxyfuel Combustion Conference, 12-16 September 2011, Queensland, Australia.
  26. Gohari Darabkhani, H., Oakey, J., and Zhang, Y., “Soot Concentration and Temperature Measurements in Co-flow Laminar Propane-Air Diffusion Flames at Pressures up to 7 bar,” Proceedings of 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No.: AIAA 2011-243, 4-7 January 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  27. Kumar, P., Pellegrini Susini, G., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Oakey, J., “Carbon Capture Options to Make Environmentally Viable Energy Processes”, UK-China Energy Conference, 8-9 March 2011, Beijing, China (poster presentation).
  28. Gohari Darabkhani, H., and Zhang, Y., “Suppression Dynamics of a Laminar Oscillating Diffusion Flame with Co-flow Air,” Proceedings of the World Congress of Engineering, The 2010 International Conference of Mechanical Engineering (ICME 2010), 2, pp. 1421-1426, 30 June-2 July 2010, Imperial College London, UK (Winner of the best student paper award of the ICME 2010).
  29. Gohari Darabkhani, H., and Zhang, Y., “Pressure Effects on Structure and Temperature Field of Laminar Diffusion Flames,” Proceedings of 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Paper No.; AIAA-2010-779, No. of Pages: 17, 4-7 January 2010, Orlando, Florida, USA.
  30. Gohari Darabkhani, H., and Zhang, Y., “Impact of Pressure and Fuel Flow Rate on Flame Dynamics in a High-Pressure Combustor,” Proceedings of CEAS 2009 European Air and Space Conference, Conference DVD, PP. Day2- Propulsion Session, 26-29 October 2009, Manchester, UK.
  31. Gohari Darabkhani, H., and Zhang, Y., “Methane Diffusion Flame Dynamics at Elevated Pressures,” PGR-MACE09 Conference, Book of Abstracts, pp. 12-13, 11th June 2009, The University of Manchester, UK (Winner of the best presentation award).
  32. Gohari Darabkhani, H., and Zhang, Y., “Impact of Pressure on Diffusion Flame Structure,” PGR-MACE09 Conference, Book of Abstracts, pp. 75, 11th June 2009, The University of Manchester, UK (Winner of the 2nd poster prize).
  33. Bassi, J., Gohari Darabkhani, H., Huang, H.W., and Zhang, Y., “Diffusion Flame Dynamics at Elevated Pressures,” 32nd International Symposium on Combustion, Abstracts of Accepted Papers, pp. 82, 3-8 August 2008, Montreal, Canada.
  34. Gohari Darabkhani, H., and Zhang, Y., “Experimental Investigation on Sooty Flames at Elevated Pressures,” PGR-MACE08 Conference, Book of Abstracts, pp. 22, 27th June 2008, The University of Manchester, UK.
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MiTREC renewable energy project

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