Niebieszczanski, R., Dent H.R. & McGowan, A. (In Press). “Your personality is the intervention”: A Grounded Theory of Mental Health Nurses’ Beliefs about Hope and Experiences of Fostering Hope Within a Secure Setting. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology.
Dent, H. (2015). Impact of Delay in the Child protection System: Consequences of Abuse and Neglect on Children and Young People. In B.Williams, E. Peart, R. Young & D. Briggs (Eds) Capacity to Change. Understanding a Parent’s Capacity to Change Within the Timescales of the Child. Bristol: Family Law, Jordan Publishing
Dent, H. (2014). Clinical Psychology: Research and Developments. London & NY: Routledge.
Priest, H., Roberts, P., Dent, H., Hunt, T., Weston, D., Chell, A., Blincoe, C., & Armstrong, C. (2011) Preparing for collaborative working in mental health: an interprofessional education project with clinical psychology trainees and nursing students. Journal of Mental Health Education, Training and Practice, 6 (1), 47-57.
Dent, H.R. & Blincoe, C. (2009). Experts from the Experts’ Perspective. Invited presentation to the Designated Civil Judges’ Annual Conference, 25th & 26th June, University of Warwick
Dent, H.R. & Dobbing,R. (2009). Vulnerability & Resilience: The role of childhood factors. Invited presentation to Protecting Women, the Annual Conference for Genito-Urinary Nurses, 2nd May, Staffordshire University
Priest, H., Roberts, P., Dent, H., Blincoe, C., Lawton, D. & Armstrong, C. (2008). Interprofessional education and working in mental health: in search of the evidence base. Journal of Nursing Management, 16, 474–485
Golding, K., Dent, H.R., Nissim, R., & Stott, E. (2006) Thinking Psychologically about Children who are Looked After and Adopted: Space for Reflection. Chichester: Wiley