As Pro Vice Chancellor (Education and Research), Professor Raheel Nawaz leads on academic strategy, leadership, and delivery, focusing particularly on the university’s four strategic priorities of Next Generation Education, Next Generation Experience, Next Generation Environment, and Next Generation Engagement. His direct reports include the Executive Deans of academic schools, Executive Director of Curriculum and Academic Affairs, Executive Director of Student Life, and Director of Research and PGR.
Prior to assuming his current role, Professor Nawaz joined the University in 2022 as Pro Vice Chancellor (Digital Transformation) and led transformative action across the university to deliver enhanced academic experience. The impact of this work has been widely recognised as sector leading.
In past roles, Professor Nawaz has led large teaching provisions, research centres, and work-based learning divisions. He has extensive experience of establishing international research and teaching collaborations. Over the past two decades, he has worked in several leadership roles in diverse institutions including Russell Group, modern universities, and private further and higher education organisations.
Professor Nawaz ranks among the top-10 most cited scholars in the world in five research areas including ‘Applied AI’ and ‘Digital Education’. His career grant capture stands at over £14 million, including highly impactful DARPA, CERN, World Bank, UKRI and Innovate UK projects. He has authored 4 books and over 200 research articles (h-index = 47) and has graduated over 30 PhD students. He is a celebrated international expert in industry-academia co-creation who has advised on the establishment and launch of educational programmes across three continents and received Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) for this work.
His sector-leading work on pedagogical design and delivery led to outstanding student outcomes, with first generation university students with minimal prior attainment outperforming graduates of top UK universities (including Oxbridge) in both average salaries and job security; he was awarded National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) for this work. His research on work-based learning has been cited by ministers and APPGs and has been covered by THE and FE News.
Professor Nawaz is a Trustee and Board Director at JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) and UVAC (University Vocational Awards Council). He has held adjunct professorships across North America, Middle East, and South Asia, and has advised national policy organisations including the Prime Minister’s Task Force on Science and Technology, Higher Education Commission, and the Planning Commission of Pakistan. He has addressed the Westminster Policy Forum twice and has given evidence on AI, Digital Education and Work-based Learning to several All-Party Parliamentary Groups and Parliamentary/Standing Committees in the UK and Pakistan
The impact of his academic leadership has been endorsed by heads of state, government ministers, and senior sector leaders.
He passionately believes that kindness in the most impactful leadership trait and being an intrinsic giver in life is the most sustainable route to happiness. This was also the topic of his recent TEDx talk.
Professor Nawaz started his professional career at the age of 14 when he joined IBM Pakistan as a trainee software engineer. He subsequently served (with distinction) as an officer in Pakistan Army. A life-changing field injury prompted his move to the UK in pursuit of a new career in education. AdvanceHE chronicled his journey and rise through the ranks: From a disabled soldier to Pro Vice Chancellor and National Teaching Fellow