Etherington D and Jones M (2018) Re-stating the post political: Depoliticisation, social inequalities, and city region growth, Environment and Planning A, DOI: 10.1177/0308518X17738536,
Ian Roper, David Etherington, Suzan Lewis, (2017) Hollowing out national agreements in the NHS? The case of “Improving Working Lives” under a “Turnaround” plan, Employee Relations, Vol. 39 Issue: 2, pp.145-159,
Etherington D and Jones M (2016) The City Region Chimera: the Political Economy of Meta Governance Failure in Britain Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2016, 9, 371–389 doi:10.1093/cjres/rsw007
Book chapters
Etherington D (2017) Ideology or evidence base? The Role of Work Capability Assessments for people with Disabilities in the UK Welfare to Work Programmes, in B Greve (ed) Handbook of Social Policy Evaluation, Edward Elgar
Etherington D and Ingold J (2015) Social dialogue, partnership and the Danish model of activation of disabled people: challenges and possibilities in the face of austerity, in Chris Grover and Linda Pigott eds Work, welfare and disabled people’ Bristol: Policy Press
Research reports
Etherington D Jeffery R Thomas P Brooks J Beel D and Jones M (2018) Forging an inclusive labour market - empowering workers and communities : an interim report on low pay and precarious work in Sheffield, Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University
Etherington D and Jones M (2017) Devolution Austerity and Inclusive Growth in Greater Manchester, Middlesex University/Staffordshire University
Etherington D and Jones M (2016) ‘Devolution and Disadvantage in the Sheffield City Region: an assessment of employment, skills and welfare policies’ Sheffield University/Middlesex University!/file/Devolution_and_disadvantage.pdf
Etherington D and Daguerre A (2015) Welfare reform work first policies and benefit conditionality: reinforcing poverty and social exclusion? Middlesex University
Daguerre A and Etherington D (2014) Workfare in the 21st Century Britain: The erosion of rights to social assistance, Middlesex University
Etherington, D. Beel, D and Jones, M (2025) Resisting Precarity in City Regions, in J. MacLeavey and F. H. Pitts, eds The Hand Book For the Future of Work, London, Routledge. Jeffery, B. Etherington, D. Stevenson, O. Gay, D. Flynn, J. and Bishop, S. With Prof C Vindrola, L Maio, G. Brady and S. Clark (2024) Improving Employment Conditions in Islington: Tackling Work-Based Harms and Promoting Unionism, London, UCL/CAPE
Jeffery, B. Etherington, D. Ledger Jessop, B, Thomas, P, and Jones, M.(2024) Exposure to harm as a function of bargaining position: The class composition of hospitality workers in Sheffield, Capital and Class,
Jeffery, B. Beresford, R. Thomas, P. Etherington, D. Jones, M. (2024) Challenging Sexual Harassment in Low Paid and Precarious Hospitality Work, Sheffield Hallam University, Staffordshire University, Sheffield TUC, and Zero Hours Justice
Daguerre, A. and Etherington, D. (2024) Labour Market Strategies and Welfare Policies: The Conservative Record, in H Bochel and M Powell eds The Conservative Governments and Social Policy, Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Etherington, D. Jeffery, B. Thomas, B. Jones, M. and Ledger-Jessop, B. (2023) Trade union strategies to tackle labour market insecurity: Geography and the role of Sheffield TUC, Industrial Relations,
Etherington, D. Jones, M. and Telford, L. (2023) Covid crisis, austerity and the ‘Left Behind’ City: Exploring poverty and destitution in Stoke on Trent, Local Economy, 37,8, 692-707
Etherington, D and Jones, M. (2023) Political Economy of the Inclusive Labour Market Revisited: Welfare through Work in Denmark, in J Ingold and P McGurk eds, Employer Engagement: Making Active Labour Market Policies Work, Bristol: Bristol University Press.
Etherington, D, Jones M. Telford L Harris, S and Hubbard, S (2023) Families on the Brink in Stoke-on-Trent: How austerity and the cost-of-living is driving poverty and destitution. Project Report. Staffordshire University. My submission to the Work and Pensions Inquiry “Plan For Jobs and Employment Support” November 2022
Etherington D, Jones M, Telford L (2022) ‘Challenges to Levelling Up: Post-COVID precarity in “left behind” Stoke-on-Trent’. Frontiers in Political Science Online First:
My book available Etherington, D (2020) Austerity, Welfare and Work: Exploring Politics, Geographies and Inequalities, Bristol, Policy Press Review of above book in Work Employment and Society