Professor Gillian Forrester

Professor Of Education Policy

Health, Education, Policing and Sciences

I am Professor of Education Policy; the focus of my work is the critical analysis of education policy processes and the interplay between neoliberalism, national policy endeavours and the lived experience of those policies in practice. I have extensive experience of conducting research and writing/publishing and I have taught students at all levels in Higher Education. I lead the Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) at the University, which is a vibrant research degree for educational professionals. I supervise and examine EdD and PhD students researching a range of education-related doctoral topics.

My interest is education policy stems from PhD research, completed in 2003 at Keele University. The research built upon a tradition of critical analysis of education policy and was a historical and sociological investigation of the introduction of performance-related pay and performance management in English primary schools. Between 2003 and 2007 I was a Research Associate at the University of Manchester working on several research projects across a range of areas in education. At Liverpool John Moores University (2008-2015), I was programme leader for BA (Hons) Education Studies and later the Subject Head of Education and Early Childhood Studies. I was involved in a number of different projects and also co-authored with Prof Dean Garratt the book Education Policy Unravelled.

Since joining University of Staffordshire in 2016 I have been involved in and led/managed a range of research projects including: an investigation of the experiences and perceptions of early years practitioners in relation to the Understanding the World Area of Learning and the identification of areas of good practice; an investigation of the aspirations of young learners, how they perceive their future adult selves and the perspectives and expectations of parents and teachers; the DIGital Innovative Strategies for PArental and Civic Engagement (DIGI-S.PA.C.E.), an Erasmus+ project; and a project supported by the British Council to design and develop the integration of International Understanding into English Language Teaching in primary schools in China.

My inaugural lecture can be found here: Milestones or Millstones? Reflections on Education Policy Processes.

Professional memberships and activities

  • Higher Education Academy Fellowship (FHEA)
  • British Educational Research Association (BERA)
  • British Educational Leadership, Management & Administration Society (BELMAS)
  • EdD Leaders’ National Network

Academic qualifications

  • PhD ‘Professionalism and performance: an exploration of primary school teachers’ perspectives on the new managerialism’ awarded in 2003, Keele University
  • Associate Teacher in Higher Education, Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA), 1999
  • Higher Education Associate Teacher (PG Certificate – LTHEP) awarded in 1999, Keele University
  • BA (Hons) Applied Social Studies and Educational Studies awarded in 1998, Keele University


My interest is education policy stems from PhD research, completed in 2003 at Keele University. The research built upon a tradition of critical analysis of education policy and was an historical and sociological investigation of the introduction of performance-related pay and performance management in English primary schools. Between 2003 and 2007 I was a Research Associate at the University of Manchester working on several research projects across a range of areas in education. At Liverpool John Moores University (2008-2015), I was programme leader for BA (Hons) Education Studies and then the Subject Head of Education and Early Childhood Studies. I was involved in a number of different projects and also co-authored with Prof Dean Garratt the book Education Policy Unravelled.

I have a wealth of experience in HE as a researcher, lecturer, module leader, course leader, personal tutor, online instructor for distance MA programmes, dissertation/thesis supervisor (undergraduate, masters, EdD and PhD), and as an academic leader. My main teaching areas are in the history of education, sociology of education, philosophy of education, education policy, qualitative research methods and methodology.

At the various universities where I have worked, I have taught on (BA (Hons) Education Studies, BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies, BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS, BA (Hons) Education, MA Education, Master of Research (MRes) and Doctor of Education (EdD) programmes. My teaching is now solely on the Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD). I currently supervise PhD and EdD students. Since 2015, I have had 15 doctoral completions where 13 of these are as the Principal Supervisor.

Research interests

My research interests, spanning a period of over 20 years in HE, focus on the critical analysis of education policy processes and the lived experiences of pupils, parents, teachers and school leaders. My early research examined the complex relationship between externally determined change and the professional practice of teachers and headteachers. Over time, my work has drawn on sociological concepts and historical methods to design and analyse professional practice in education and where I have utilised critical theories of organisation and gender. Through my research trajectory to the present, this has developed into a major area of interest which has been extended to include pupils and parents, as well as HE students. I am essentially interested in the interplay between neoliberalism, national policy endeavours and the lived experience of those policies in practice. My research journey is documented in my inaugural lecture: Milestones or Millstones? Reflections on Education Policy Processes.

I currently supervise PhD and EdD students who are researching various education-related topics. My doctoral completions are listed below.

PhD Completions

Awad, S. (2015) An ethnographic study of the ways in which faith is manifested in two primary schools. Unpublished PhD thesis. Liverpool John Moores University. (Principal Supervisor)

Chrostowska, M. (2017) The illusion of autonomy: an ethnography of teachers’ professional lives in a primary academy in England. Unpublished PhD thesis. Liverpool John Moores University. (Principal Supervisor)

Moumou, B.G. (2021) The development of Seychellois primary school teachers' mathematical knowledge for teaching and self-efficacy beliefs through reflective practice: A quasi-experimental study. Unpublished PhD thesis. Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor)

Beckett, M.J. (2022) Fishes in water? A longitudinal investigation of the transition experiences of students from one further education college to higher education. Unpublished PhD thesis. Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor)

EdD Completions

Bush, M. (2016) Women’s experiences of leadership in the secondary independent sector. Unpublished EdD thesis. Liverpool John Moores University. (Principal Supervisor)

Inglis, S. (2020) Educational practitioners' transitions to a part-time taught Master's in education: the expectations and experiences of students and the staff who teach them. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor)

Hall, F.J. (2020) An investigation into the practice of Teaching Assistants in English primary schools: Investigating policy and practice. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor)

Hudson, R.A. (2020) An Investigation of how children aged 0-7 years respond to the death of a parent. Perceptions of parents and educators. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor)

Capper, J. (2021) An investigation into the creation and early development of a university-sponsored multi-academy trust (MAT) in England: A case study. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor)

Owen, D. (2022) Collaboration, competition and conflict. An ethno-case study of a family of schools in England. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor)

Akbar, A. (2021) An exploration of teachers’ and students’ perspectives on the effective teaching of the critical interpretation of the Quran in multilingual classrooms. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (3rd Supervisor)

Hetherington, J.E. (2022) Governance, democracy, and parental engagement: The Co-operative Academy Trust model – an alternative in neoliberal contexts of education? Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor).

Choudhry, F.T. (2022) An Investigation of the Barriers Experienced by Female Muslim ESOL Learners whilst being in Education. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Second Supervisor).

Wright, P.J. (2023) Teachers’ perspectives on how collaborative engagement with pedagogic principles to challenge fixed-ability grouping allowed them to re-consider and reframe their practice in English primary schools. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor).

Tennant, K (2023) Holistic recognition: the path to satisfaction. An interpretive descriptive study of student nurses’ experiences of the clinical learning environment. Unpublished EdD thesis Staffordshire University. (Principal Supervisor).



Wright, P. & FORRESTER, G. (2025) “It starts with me!” Teachers’ shifting perspectives on developing their practice away from fixed ability grouping. Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 154, February, 104870. Published online: ttps://

FORRESTER, G., Hudson, R., Rowley, J. & Pugh, J (2024) Mind the aspiration gap: how primary school pupils perceive their future adult selves and the perspectives and expectations of parents and teachers, Educational Review. 76(4), 732–752. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2134845

Hetherington, J.E. & Forrester, G. (2024) Illusionary, silencing and civilising - (un)democratic practices in school governance. Journal of Education Policy. Published online

Hetherington, J.E. & FORRESTER, G. (2023) Brand advantage, risk mitigation, and the illusion of democracy: Approaches to school governance. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. Published online

FORRESTER, G., Basford, J., Hudson, R. & Pugh, J. (2023) Living and learning through lockdown: a fictionalisation of the challenges and opportunities of homeschooling during a global pandemic, Education 3-13, 51 (4), 557-570, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1988674

Hetherington, J.E. & FORRESTER, G. (2022) Values-led governance and parental and community engagement in the Co-operative Academies Trust: an alternative in the neoliberal context of education? Management in Education, 36(1), 34–41. DOI :10.1177/08920206211051465

FORRESTER, G., Pugh, J., Hudson, R. & Rowley, J. (2022) Understanding the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage: practitioners’ perspectives of best practice and effective provision, Education 3-13, 50(8), 1072-1084. DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1930095

FORRESTER, G., Kurth, J., Vincent, P. and Oliver, M. (2020) Schools as community assets: an exploration of the merits of an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, Educational Review, 72(4), 443-458. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1529655

Hennessy, C. & FORRESTER G. (2014) Developing a framework for effective audio feedback: a case study. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (7) 777-789.

FORRESTER, G. (2011) Editorial: Performance management in education. Management in Education, 25 (1), 3-4.

FORRESTER, G. (2011) Performance management in education: milestone or millstone? Management in Education, 25 (1), 5-9.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) New Labour and the Logic of Practice in Educational Reform. Critical Studies in Education. 51 (1), 55-69.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2009) School Leadership and Education Policymaking in England. Policy Studies. 30 (5), 495-511.


Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2009) Institutionalised Governance: the case of the National College for School Leadership. International Journal of Public Administration. 32, 349-369.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2008) Knowledge Production in Educational Leadership Project. Research Intelligence, Issue 104, 19.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2008) New Labour and School Leadership 1997-2007. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55 (2), 144-162.

FORRESTER, G. & Parkinson, G. (2006) 'Mind the gap': The application of a conceptual model to investigate distance learners' expectations and perceptions of induction. Issues In Educational Research, 16(2), 152-170.

FORRESTER, G., Motteram, G. & Liu, B.X. (2006) Transforming teachers' thinking, learning and understanding via e-learning. Journal of Education for Teaching: international research and pedagogy. 32 (2), 197-212.

Motteram, G., Banxiang, L. L. & FORRESTER, G. (2005) Web-based reflective and collaborative learning for Chinese teachers: Effective approaches for transforming perceptions and actions in teaching and learning. China Educational Technology & Equipment, 9. [In Chinese]

FORRESTER, G. (2005) All in a day’s work: primary teachers ‘performing’ and ‘caring’. Gender and Education. 17(3), 271-287.

Motteram, G. & FORRESTER, G. (2005) Becoming an online distance learner: what can be learned from students’ experiences of induction to distance programmes? Distance Education. 26(3), 281-298.

FORRESTER, G., Motteram, G., Parkinson, G., & Slaouti, D. (2005) ‘Going the distance’: students’ experiences of induction to distance learning in higher education’. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 29(4), 293-306.

FORRESTER, G. (2001) Performance related pay for teachers: an examination of the underlying objectives and its application in practice. Public Management Review. 3(4), 617 -625.

FORRESTER, G. (2000) Professional autonomy versus managerial control: the experience of teachers in an English primary school. International Studies in Sociology of Education. 10 (2), 133-151.



FORRESTER, G. & Garratt, D. (2016) Education Policy Unravelled, 2nd edn. London: Bloomsbury.

Garratt, D. & FORRESTER, G. (2012) Education Policy Unravelled. London: Continuum.


Book chapters

FORRESTER, G. (2023) What do you know? Knowledge Production in Educational Leadership. In Fitzgerald, T. & Courtney, S. (Eds.) Critical Education Policy and Leadership Studies: Essays in Honour of the Intellectual Contributions of Helen M. Gunter. Charn, Switzerland. Springer.

Hudson, R., FORRESTER, G., Rowley, J. & Pugh, J. (2023) Reasons, resources and reality: Investigating the complexity of pupils’ aspirations and how they conceive pathways to their future adult selves. In: Chiou,V., Geunis, L., Holz, O., Ertürk, N. O., Ratkowska-Pasikowska, J. & Shelton, F. (Eds.) Contemporary Challenges in Education. Paradoxes and Illuminations. Münster. Germany: Waxmann Publishing Co., pp. 130-140.

FORRESTER, G., Hudson-Gill, R. & Pugh, J. (2019) Understanding the World: A pilot study of effective practice and provision in early years settings. In V. Chiou, O. Holz, N. Oruç Ertürk and F. Shelton (Eds.) International Insights: Equality in Education. Münster. Germany: Waxmann Publishing Co., pp. 85-98.

Bush, M. & FORRESTER, G. (2019) ‘Women’s Leadership Development: Preparation for Leadership in the Girls’ Secondary Independent Sector in England’, in Storey. V.A. (Ed.) Leading in Change: Implications of School Diversification for School Leadership Preparation in England and the United States. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing (IAP), pp.137-156.

FORRESTER, G. & Gunter, H.M. (2010) New headteachers in schools in England and their approaches to leadership. In: Shoho, A., Barnett, B.G. & Tooms, A.K. (Eds.) The Challenges for New Principals in the 21st Century: Developing Leadership Capabilities Through Professional Support. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing. (Book Series, International Research on School Leadership). pp. 29-49.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) Reform of the School Workforce. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (Eds) International Encyclopaedia of Education (3rd Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier. pp. 242–248.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) Education Reform and School Leadership. In: S. Brookes and K. Grint (Eds.) The New Public Leadership Challenge. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 54-69.

FORRESTER, G. & Gunter, H.M. (2009) School leaders: meeting the challenge of change. In: C. Chapman & H.M. Gunter (Eds.) Radical Reforms: Public Policy and a Decade of Educational Reform. London: Routledge. pp. 67-79.

Motteram, G., FORRESTER, G., Goldrick, S. & McLachlan, A. (2007) Collaborating Across Boundaries: Managing the Complexities of eLearning Courseware Production in a Joint International Project. In: H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed.) eLearning in China: eChina Perspectives on Policy, Pedagogy and Innovation. Hong Kong University Press. pp.189-201.


British Council China, November 2021 (15 months), £29,681

  • Theoretical and methodological support for the integration of International Understanding into Primary English Language Teaching in the 2021 China English Materials Development Award (EMaDA) area

Erasmus+ European Union, August 2019 (3 years), €39,930

  • The DIGItal innovative Strategies for PArental and Civic Engagement - DIGI-S.PA.C.E.

Community Renewal Fund, November 2021 (6 months), £10,000.

  • SHARP - Sector Hub Action Research Project

QR GCRF 2019-20 Application, March 2020 (6 months), £5,000

  • Home-schooling in the Covid-19 shutdown; changes to parental commitment. A comparative study in the UK and Vietnam.

Staffordshire County Council, August 2019, (4 months), £21,500

  • An investigation into the aspirations and perceptions of future selves of children and young learners in Staffordshire


I am the Course Leader for the Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) and module leader for:

  • Policy and Professional Practice
  • Designing Educational Research
  • Thesis Research Proposal


Wright, P. & FORRESTER, G. (2025) “It starts with me!” Teachers’ shifting perspectives on developing their practice away from fixed ability grouping. Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 154, February, 104870. Published online: ttps://


FORRESTER, G., Hudson, R., Rowley, J. & Pugh, J (2024) Mind the aspiration gap: how primary school pupils perceive their future adult selves and the perspectives and expectations of parents and teachers, Educational Review. 76(4), 732–752. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2022.2134845


Hetherington, J.E. & Forrester, G. (2024) Illusionary, silencing and civilising - (un)democratic practices in school governance. Journal of Education Policy. Published online


Hetherington, J.E. & FORRESTER, G. (2023) Brand advantage, risk mitigation, and the illusion of democracy: Approaches to school governance. Educational Management, Administration and Leadership. Published online


FORRESTER, G., Basford, J., Hudson, R. & Pugh, J. (2023) Living and learning through lockdown: a fictionalisation of the challenges and opportunities of homeschooling during a global pandemic, Education 3-13, 51 (4), 557-570, DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1988674


Hetherington, J.E. & FORRESTER, G. (2022) Values-led governance and parental and community engagement in the Co-operative Academies Trust: an alternative in the neoliberal context of education? Management in Education, 36(1), 34–41. DOI :10.1177/08920206211051465


FORRESTER, G., Pugh, J., Hudson, R. & Rowley, J. (2022) Understanding the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage: practitioners’ perspectives of best practice and effective provision, Education 3-13, 50(8), 1072-1084. DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1930095


FORRESTER, G., Kurth, J., Vincent, P. and Oliver, M. (2020) Schools as community assets: an exploration of the merits of an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach, Educational Review, 72(4), 443-458. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1529655

Hennessy, C. & FORRESTER G. (2014) Developing a framework for effective audio feedback: a case study. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (7) 777-789.


FORRESTER, G. (2011) Editorial: Performance management in education. Management in Education, 25 (1), 3-4.

FORRESTER, G. (2011) Performance management in education: milestone or millstone? Management in Education, 25 (1), 5-9.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) New Labour and the Logic of Practice in Educational Reform. Critical Studies in Education. 51 (1), 55-69.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2009) School Leadership and Education Policymaking in England. Policy Studies. 30 (5), 495-511.


Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2009) Institutionalised Governance: the case of the National College for School Leadership. International Journal of Public Administration. 32, 349-369.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2008) Knowledge Production in Educational Leadership Project. Research Intelligence, Issue 104, 19.


Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2008) New Labour and School Leadership 1997-2007. British Journal of Educational Studies, 55 (2), 144-162.


FORRESTER, G. & Parkinson, G. (2006) 'Mind the gap': The application of a conceptual model to investigate distance learners' expectations and perceptions of induction. Issues In Educational Research, 16(2), 152-170.


FORRESTER, G., Motteram, G. & Liu, B.X. (2006) Transforming teachers' thinking, learning and understanding via e-learning. Journal of Education for Teaching: international research and pedagogy. 32 (2), 197-212.


Motteram, G., Banxiang, L. L. & FORRESTER, G. (2005) Web-based reflective and collaborative learning for Chinese teachers: Effective approaches for transforming perceptions and actions in teaching and learning. China Educational Technology & Equipment, 9. [In Chinese]


FORRESTER, G. (2005) All in a day’s work: primary teachers ‘performing’ and ‘caring’. Gender and Education. 17(3), 271-287.


Motteram, G. & FORRESTER, G. (2005) Becoming an online distance learner: what can be learned from students’ experiences of induction to distance programmes? Distance Education. 26(3), 281-298.


FORRESTER, G., Motteram, G., Parkinson, G., & Slaouti, D. (2005) ‘Going the distance’: students’ experiences of induction to distance learning in higher education’. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 29(4), 293-306.


FORRESTER, G. (2001) Performance related pay for teachers: an examination of the underlying objectives and its application in practice. Public Management Review. 3(4), 617 -625.


FORRESTER, G. (2000) Professional autonomy versus managerial control: the experience of teachers in an English primary school. International Studies in Sociology of Education. 10 (2), 133-151.



FORRESTER, G. & Garratt, D. (2016) Education Policy Unravelled, 2nd edn. London: Bloomsbury.

Garratt, D. & FORRESTER, G. (2012) Education Policy Unravelled. London: Continuum.


Book chapters

FORRESTER, G. (2023) What do you know? Knowledge Production in Educational Leadership. In Fitzgerald, T. & Courtney, S. (Eds.) Critical Education Policy and Leadership Studies: Essays in Honour of the Intellectual Contributions of Helen M. Gunter. Charn, Switzerland. Springer.

Hudson, R., FORRESTER, G., Rowley, J. & Pugh, J. (2023) Reasons, resources and reality: Investigating the complexity of pupils’ aspirations and how they conceive pathways to their future adult selves. In: Chiou,V., Geunis, L., Holz, O., Ertürk, N. O., Ratkowska-Pasikowska, J. & Shelton, F. (Eds.) Contemporary Challenges in Education. Paradoxes and Illuminations. Münster. Germany: Waxmann Publishing Co., pp. 130-140.

FORRESTER, G., Hudson-Gill, R. & Pugh, J. (2019) Understanding the World: A pilot study of effective practice and provision in early years settings. In V. Chiou, O. Holz, N. Oruç Ertürk and F. Shelton (Eds.) International Insights: Equality in Education. Münster. Germany: Waxmann Publishing Co., pp. 85-98.

Bush, M. & FORRESTER, G. (2019) ‘Women’s Leadership Development: Preparation for Leadership in the Girls’ Secondary Independent Sector in England’, in Storey. V.A. (Ed.) Leading in Change: Implications of School Diversification for School Leadership Preparation in England and the United States. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing (IAP), pp.137-156.

FORRESTER, G. & Gunter, H.M. (2010) New headteachers in schools in England and their approaches to leadership. In: Shoho, A., Barnett, B.G. & Tooms, A.K. (Eds.) The Challenges for New Principals in the 21st Century: Developing Leadership Capabilities Through Professional Support. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing. (Book Series, International Research on School Leadership). pp. 29-49.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) Reform of the School Workforce. In: Baker, E., McGaw, B. and Peterson, P. (Eds) International Encyclopaedia of Education (3rd Edition). Amsterdam: Elsevier. pp. 242–248.

Gunter, H.M. & FORRESTER, G. (2010) Education Reform and School Leadership. In: S. Brookes and K. Grint (Eds.) The New Public Leadership Challenge. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 54-69.

FORRESTER, G. & Gunter, H.M. (2009) School leaders: meeting the challenge of change. In: C. Chapman & H.M. Gunter (Eds.) Radical Reforms: Public Policy and a Decade of Educational Reform. London: Routledge. pp. 67-79.

Motteram, G., FORRESTER, G., Goldrick, S. & McLachlan, A. (2007) Collaborating Across Boundaries: Managing the Complexities of eLearning Courseware Production in a Joint International Project. In: H. Spencer-Oatey (Ed.) eLearning in China: eChina Perspectives on Policy, Pedagogy and Innovation. Hong Kong University Press. pp.189-201.

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