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At University of Staffordshire we understand that choosing the right course and University can be a difficult task. Some students might feel they are on the wrong course and may not even be in the right University for their needs.

So, what can you do if you find yourself in this position?

If you are currently studying elsewhere – “Transfer In”

University of Staffordshire has some of the best courses in the UK and has Silver Teaching Excellence Framework status, but we want you to be sure that this is the right thing for you. So, do some research, does the University offer the course and modules you are looking for? Can you travel here easily by car or public transport (hint we are right next to a main line train station!) and if you are looking to find term time accommodation, what are you looking for and how much can you afford?

Remember, if you are a student supported by student loans you need to talk to the Student Loan Company. It is important to understand if you are still able to get loans if you transfer and how long they will fund you for. It is your responsibility to ensure you can pay your tuition fees and that you have money to support yourself through your study.

If you are an International student, you need to talk to your institution's International team as your UK visa is based on where you study. Don’t worry, this can be changed but you need to ensure everyone knows what you are planning and has agreed to the transfer.

If moving is the right thing for you then you will need to contact our admissions team through and they will be able to work with the subject area to see if your previous study meets our entry requirements. We will consider your credit earned at a Higher Education level or your previous qualifications, depending on what course you want to join and what course you have been studying.

You might be considering transferring from your current university or college onto a course in the same or related subject area at University of Staffordshire. If this is the case we will ask you to provide certification or confirmation (from where you are studying at the moment) to show what you have achieved already and, provided you have sufficient and appropriate credit, we will work with you to bring you in at the right level of study. An example of this type of transfer is if you have, or plan to, finish your first year at your current institution but want to start on a second year of study at University of Staffordshire; this is sometimes called “Advance Standing”. If you have done some but not all of the year you may be able to use our Recognition of Prior Experience and Learning process so that you don’t have to repeat what you have already achieved. Although each case can be different, the credits required for different awards and levels are displayed online as a general guide.

If you’re studying a University of Staffordshire award at one of our partners, we will have records of your achievement, but you should follow the same guidance above to ensure a move is right for you.

All of our admissions process work within the principles and process outlined in our Admissions Policy.

If you want to stay at University of Staffordshire but want to change course – “Course transfer”

Sometimes the university is great, but the course isn’t right for you. If this is the case you may want to transfer to another course and the first thing you need to do is talk to the course leader of the course you are considering moving to; there may be specific requirements that are needed or it may be too late in the year to catch up and you will need to take a break in studies before re-joining on the new course. You will also need to talk to your current course leader, as it may be that the issue you have relates to a specific part of the course that won’t be part of your learning in the future or they can provide support that enables you to re-evaluate if you still want to move to something different.

Whatever you decide, you need to make the choice which is right for you and our advisory team can help you to understand personal and any possible financial implications of transferring course. You will need to view the changing course section of the My Studies and Student Record section if you move, so we can ensure you are allocated to the right tutor groups and we know where and when you will be attending.

If you are an international student you will need to talk to the International Support Team as your UK visa is based on what you are studying, as well as where. The team will be able to guide you through any actions needed.

If you are studying at Staffordshire and want to move to another university or college – “Transfer Out”

We will be sad to see you go but if you have given this some real thought, we understand and will do everything we can to support you on your journey. Firstly, we will want you to see an advisor to talk through your academic and financial circumstances, email us at . They can help you to check your arrangements including if there are any funding considerations such as fees you may owe to the university, or you can read our fees policy. An advisor can also support you through the course transfer procedure.

Wherever you go you need to make sure that the new university or college is right for you. Make sure that you visit and talk to the Course team; don’t rely on what others are saying online – this needs to suit you, not other students.

If you are getting a student loan, please talk to the Student Loan Company and the university you are going to before you move. This is so that you are clear if you have the funds to study elsewhere and for the whole length of your new course. It is your responsibility to ensure you can pay your tuition fees and that you have money to support yourself through your study.

If you are an international student you should discuss any move with the International Student Support  team as your UK visa is based on where you are studying and they can guide you through the process.

Based on what you have studied and achieved so far, we will provide you with certification that you can share with your new university so that they can assess your needs and meet their requirements for entry; this might be a transcript (showing credit achieved) if you have partially completed a year or an exit award such as Certificate of Higher Education. The advisor can hep you through this process.

If you’re studying a University of Staffordshire award at one of our partners, you should follow the same guidance above to ensure a move is right for you, but you should also talk to your college about what this means for you.