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My Studies and Student Record

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Term dates

The University’s standard term dates can be accessed via our Important Dates page. These dates are used by Student Finance England in order to work out your student loan entitlement and are also used for other funding calculations.

If you are on a non-standard course that does not conform to the standard term dates, then your course dates will be made available to you by your School.

Student email address

Once you are a fully enrolled student you will have your own University of Staffordshire email account. You should check this inbox regularly as it is the main way the University will communicate with you, for example when you need to enrol, when your results will be released, how to get tickets for graduation, and any changes to your modules.

The username and password for your email is the same as the one you use to log in to e:vision with. If you are having trouble logging in to your university inbox, contact Digital Services who can reset your password.

Make a difference to your course

Academic Reps are students who represent their course or department in important meetings with lecturers and staff - with the aim to improve the University experience for students. If you'd like to have a positive impact on the student experience - visit the Students' Union for more information.

If you don’t want to be a Rep, but have something you would like raised at a Course Committee Meeting, you can give your feedback to your course’s Representative.

Contacting your personal tutor

The name of your personal tutor can be found in the ‘My Contacts’ section of the ‘Home’ menu in your e:vision portal. You should expect to hear from this person a few times during the year; they will want to meet with you just to check you are happy with the way your studies are progressing and discuss any opportunities or concerns you may have. You can contact your personal tutor in between these meetings if there is anything you want to talk about.

Module registration

If you are registered to study an honours degree, you would normally be expected to study a total of 120 credits for each level of your award.  This will give you an overall total of 360 credits at the end of level 6 which is the amount you need to be considered for the award of your degree.  Each year you will need to register for your modules.  There are 2 types of module:

  1.  Core – you must take these modules in order to complete your chosen award.

  2. Specific Option – you make your module choice from a group of options specifically associated with your award. 

It is your responsibility to make sure that your choice of modules matches the award structure for your award at each and every level. 

For full details please refer to the relevant section of your Award Handbook or see our academic regulations.

What to do if you think there is a problem with your modules or Blackboard access

When you log into Blackboard, you should see all of your modules on the right-hand side of the screen. If you believe there are modules missing, or incorrect, you will need to notify your course administrator. If you don’t know who that is, contact and they can direct you to the appropriate person.

The username and password for Blackboard is the same as the one you use to log in to e:vision with. If you are having trouble logging in to Blackboard, contact Digital Services who can reset your password.

If you need help using Blackboard there is a ‘Help’ tab in the top right-hand corner of the main page, or for queries on the content, contact the module leader.


You can find the latest examination timetable online.

If your course has exams outside of the main exam periods then you will be informed of these by your Course team and contacted by your Student & Course Administrator with details.

If you need special examination arrangements such as needing additional or alternative arrangements for assessment, whether or not you consider yourself to be disabled, please contact the Student Inclusion Team to discuss your individual needs.


Your unratified results will be released to you via Blackboard or by your module tutor for exams. Please note these results are subject to ratification by an award board and official grades will be made available in e:vision after the award board has met to consider your profile.

Resit and referral instructions will also be made available in e:vision; it is your responsibility to know how and when you are expected to retake any failed work – ensure you check your student email account regularly as this is how we will let you know when your results are ready to view.

To view your results in e:vision, go to the ‘My Applications & Course’ menu, then click ‘My Results’ under the ‘View you results’ section.

Registering with Professional & Statutory Regulatory Bodies

If your course is regulated by a Professional & Statutory Regulatory Body (PSRB), then you will be able to register with the appropriate regulatory body upon successful completion of your course. The different regulatory bodies have different processes for registering, so please contact the regulatory body for your course directly to find out more.

Certificates and transcripts

When you have completed your award you will receive a certificate stating your classification.  From July 2022 all University of Staffordshire graduating students on a taught award delivered in the UK will receive a Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).  Paper transcripts can only be provided on request and may incur a charge for production.  The HEAR allows graduates to digitally share an authentic record of their studies with agencies and employers, providing more flexibility than a paper transcripts. If you attend your graduation ceremony, you will receive your certificate on that day. If you cannot attend Graduation, it will be posted to the home address listed on your student record. You can request for your certificate to be sent to a different address via e:vision by going to the ‘My Certificate’ menu and using the ‘Submit a different address’ facility.

Students studying overseas will continue to receive paper transcripts, whilst we assess digital options for this provision.

If you have not received your certificate, please contact

If you have lost your certificate you can request a replacement online.

Need to request a change to your personal information, option modules, course or study status?

How to change your personal information

If you are a UK or EU student and need to change either your home or term-time address you can do this via the e:vision portal by going to the ‘My Personal Details’ menu, then ‘Addresses (UK & EU Students)’. You can also update your personal email address here.

Addresses for Overseas students have to approved by International Student Support, though you can submit a query regarding the addresses we have on record for you via the e:vision portal. To do this, go to the ‘My Personal Details’ menu, then ‘Addresses (Overseas Students)’ and using the ‘My address details are incorrect’ query function.

If you have legally changed your name, you can amend this on E:vision via My Personal Details, you will be asked to upload evidence of your name change.  Once this is done you can request an updated Student Card by emailing

Making a change to your optional modules choices

Any change you make to your choice of option modules must be made within three weeks of the start of the module.

Before your request can be actioned, you will need to speak with the tutor whose module you are leaving and the tutor whose module you wish to join.  Please note that Core modules cannot be changed.

Details of your award structure and the optional modules available to you can be found in your course handbook. If you are unsure, please discuss with your course tutor.

Once you have agreed your change of module with the relevant tutors, the tutor will then contact the relevant team to request the change, this may take several days to be reflected on your timetable.  

If you need additional support, you may wish to talk to your course leader or academic mentor.  

It is important that you notify us of any changes to ensure your student profile is correct.  An incorrect student profile could mean that we would be unable to process your results properly at the end of the year.

Changing courses

It is important that you are fully committed to your studies. However, if you feel that your current course is not for you, it is important that you take advice from your Personal Tutor as soon as possible and before making a decision. If you still feel that the course or optional module is not right for you, you may be able to change it.

We will do all we can to help you do this within the first three weeks of teaching. It is not expected that you will change after this period.

If you are thinking of changing your award you will need to get approval from the leader of the course you would like to transfer to and speak to the leader of the course you are currently enrolled on.

To start the process of transferring; log onto the e:vision portal, go to the 'My Course' menu and under the 'Thinking of Leaving, changing your course or study mode or having a break from your course', click on the contact form and complete the details requested.

If you have not already spoken to a Money & Guidance Advisor, they will then contact you to discuss your request in more detail.

Taking a break from study/leaving study

Taking a break from study: If you need to take a break from your studies, you will need to speak with one of our Money & Guidance Advisors first. There are a lot of implications to taking time out, such as when you will return, whether your assessments are affected, when you will be expected to complete your award, and your fees or student loan. They will ensure you have all the information you need when making this decision, and will be a contact for you when you return.

Some courses have strict guidelines on when you can break from study and the amount of time you can take; a Money & Guidance Advisor will be able to go any such regulations with you.

There is also a maximum length of time you can take to complete your award, which a Money & Guidance Advisor can help you understand. This information is in the University’s regulations.

Withdrawing: If you cannot complete your intended award, or want to transfer to another university, you will need to speak with one of our Money & Guidance Advisors first. They will be able to talk you through this process and make sure you have all the information you need relating to your tuition fees and student loan, or any other concerns you may have.

Log in to e:vision, go to the 'My Course' section and under the 'Thinking of Leaving, changing your course or study mode or having a break from your course', click on the contact form and complete the details requested.

You can book an appointment in Stoke, Stafford or Shrewsbury in advance via the bookings site.