What if I am studying at another college or provider?
If you are studying on a University of Staffordshire course at a college or other provider in the UK, this procedure normally applies.
If you are studying a University of Staffordshire course at a college or another provider outside of the UK, the above rules and timescales will still apply but the decision on your Exceptional Circumstances will be made where you are studying. You may also be asked to complete a form (rather than an online application).
However, the decisions which we reach will be in line with those reached for students studying on campus.
What if I am studying on a professional course?
If you are unwell and studying on a professional course leading to registration, you may need to inform your Course Leader as this may mean that you cannot practise until you recover.
Please see your Course Handbook for guidance. Please also see the Fitness to Practise Procedure.
What if I am studying on an apprenticeship course?
This procedure applies to all apprentices studying at the University. If you are unwell and studying on an apprenticeship course, it is important that you keep your employer informed.
Apprenticeship students are required to be in work throughout your course and the University may need to inform your employer if you are not progressing through your apprenticeship as expected.
What if I am a member of the armed forces and am deployed?
Wherever possible we encourage you to continue and submit as normal. However, if this is not possible talk to us and we may be able to work with you on Exceptional Circumstances or taking a break in studies or another solution. Please speak to your course team to discuss which option may be best for you.