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Discrimination on the grounds of age was first tackled in 2006 when the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations came into force. One of the aims of the legislation was to bring about long term cultural changes and to challenge stereotyping on the grounds of age. This legislation was strengthened and extended by the Equality Act 2010.

In April 2011 the default retirement age was abolished and phased out by October 2011.

Our Equality Diversity and Inclusion Framework and accompanying objectives set out how we are tackling age discrimination.

We monitor age and report annually on progress in our equality reports.

University Contacts

Retirement - There is no longer a specific age at which you have to retire. To discuss options available to you when you reach pensionable age please speak to your line manager or contact Human Resources & Organisational Development. 

Mature students - There is no upper age limit for studying here and our oldest students are in their late seventies! We have flexible approaches to admssion and a free short course, Step up to HE, as a taster for studying in HE.  The Students' union has a Mature Students Network.

Care leavers and estranged students  - For information on support and accommodation available to care leavers while studying at the University.

Children on campus  - Children are welcome on campus in several of our public spaces for example, Sir Stanley Matthews Sports Centre, catering areas, and the children areas in the Science Centre.

However, there are places that children are not allowed such as workshops, laboratories, studios, kitchens, or other hazardous areas, this is in line with University Health, Safety and Wellbeing policies. To bring a child into one of these types of areas for a specific purpose, you will require approval with adequate notice given to your Executive Dean/ Executive Director prior to bringing a child into one of those spaces, and a Risk Assessment will need to be completed. If you are unsure as to who to contact, please get in touch with your course team.

If you have any concerns regarding bringing a child onto campus, please talk with your academic team.

Childcare - We have an on-campus nursery. As well as full-time care, the Nursery offers some short ad-hoc care and care for siblings in the holidays. Our Sports Centre offers playschemes in the school holidays. 

Child Protection - Our Safeguarding Policy sets out the University’s approach to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults within our Academic Policies and Regulations.


External Contacts

Hate Crime and Discrimination

  • CACH - Chase Against Crimes of Hate - report hate crime in the Stafford and Cannock areas
  • Victim Support - national body giving free and confidential help to victims of crime