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Student Connect Team

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We are the Student Connect Team and we’re here to help with any initial enquiries you might have whilst studying at the University. We offer help and support throughout the day, online and in person.

Unsure who you need or where you need to go? Student Connect can help. If you’re wondering who to speak with regarding your health, finances, or even just where to find a study space, we can get you to the answer.




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Beacon  is your intelligent digital coach to guide and help you through your university experience. Got a question, ask Beacon!Image of Beacon robot

Beacon is accessible direct via a web browser at, or as a downloadable app for your compatible iOS/Android device.

In addition, the Beacon widget is also embedded within Microsoft Teams.

Useful links

Student Support  - Find out what support services we offer to our students.
E:vision  - View/amend your details, course information, and generate letters.
Bookings  - Make appointments and bookings for University services and resources.
Students’ Union  - Read about your reps, clubs/societies, and student events.
Money Matters  - Advice on financial support, and making your money go further.
Payment portal  - Make payments for merchandise and services from the University.
ResLife  - Who we are, and what we do to support our residents.
Timetabling  - Where to access your timetables and how to resolve any issues.
Library  - Information on borrowing books/resources, and other library services.
Help with IT  - Advice on everything from passwords to printing.
Using Computers and Software – Top tips and training.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I generate letters? (including Council Tax Exemption)

To generate your own letters, simply log in to your eVision portal and then select the ‘My Student Self Service’ tab along the top of the page. You can generate the following letters: Council Tax Exemption, Reference, To Whom It May Concern (enrolment confirmation), Bank Letter and Graduation Letter.

What is E:Vision?

Most information can be found via the eVision portal. You can use eVision to view results, apply for EC, update your personal details, view course information, generate letters and so much more. If you are having problems logging into the portal, please contact Digital Services.

How do I update my personal details?

You can update your personal details via eVision. Simply log into the eVision portal and navigate to the ‘Student Self-Service’ tab. You will be notified via email if your request has been successful.

Changing Course or module

You can request to change your modules or course of study via the eVision portal. Navigate to ‘My Applications and Course’, and select ‘Change Course’ or ‘Change Modules’.

If you require further assistance, please contact If you need additional support you may wish to talk to your course director or personal tutor.

How do I replace my student card?

Student cards are valid until the end of the month printed on the card. We can replace stolen cards free of charge upon presentation of your Crime Reference Number. Please contact Student Connect to replace a stolen card. Lost or Damaged cards can be replaced for a fee of £7. To purchase a replacement card please visit the replacement card payment portal.

How do I access my timetable?

The easiest way to access your timetable is with Beacon. It is available from  Google Play, the App Store, and via the standalone Beacon website.

The most up to date information of when your timetable is available and troubleshooting help can be found on the timetables page and on Beacon FAQs.

How can I contact Student Connect?

Can I borrow a laptop?

Borrowing university laptops couldn’t be easier! Find out more about how to use the LapSafe service.

Where can I get support for my wellbeing?

If you feel you need wellbeing support, please fill in the online form here or alternatively you can contact the Wellbeing team by emailing or calling 01782 294976. Please note, this is not an emergency service. For emergencies, information can be found on Emergency and 24 hour support. For other types of support, please see our Student Support page.

How do I get a copy of my certificate and transcript?

You can order a copy of your certificate or transcript through the website. Once you have completed the relevant order form, and payment has been received, the Awards Team will usually fulfil your request within 10 working days.

Who is eligible for a HEAR/GradIntel?

Students who completed their course from 2016 onwards are eligible a free electronic Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). If you would like to register for a GradIntel account, please contact .

How do I claim exceptional circumstances?

You can make an Exceptional Circumstances claim via the eVision portal by navigating to “My student information and support”. For further advise about making a claim, please see the Exceptional Circumstances Procedure.

How do I take a break or withdraw from my course?

  • You can request to take a break or withdraw from your studies via the eVision portal. Navigate to ‘My Applications and Course’, and select ‘Taking a break in studies, withdraw from my course’. If you require further assistance, please contact If you need additional support regarding withdrawing or taking a break, please book an appointment to speak to a Money & Guidance Adviser.

Student Connect service hours


Term-Time Hours:

  • Monday – Thursday 8.45am-5pm
  • Friday 8.45am – 4:30pm