B9. Welfare Resources and Facilities
There is sufficient provision of welfare and student services to meet my needs. When needed, the information and advice offered by welfare and student services has been helpful.
B12. Learning Community
I feel part of a group of students committed to learning.
I have been able to explore academic interests with other students.
I have learned to explore ideas confidently.
Within my course, I feel my suggestions and ideas are valued.
I feel part of an academic community in my college or university.
B14. Entrepreneurial opportunities
If I was interested in starting my own business, I know where I could find support in my institution.
My Higher Education experience has helped me develop skills that could help me run my own business in future.
As a result of my Higher Education experience, I am more likely to consider running my own business in the future.
Institution Questions
Scale Question – I'm satisfied with my experience at Staffs Uni?
Open Question – What barriers have you faced during your studies, this could be personally, or academically?