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Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

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NSS 2023-Website_Banner-2000x400px-PTES

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) is an online survey provided by the Higher Education Academy (HEA), but administered by ourselves. All our students on a postgraduate taught course, studying on campus and at UK partner institutions are included in the population.

What will I be asked?

You’ll be asked to rate the following series of questions with a score of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Definitely Agree”. When answering questions please consider all your experiences at Staffordshire University, from the day you joined us right through to the present day.

Teaching & Learning

  • Staff are good at explaining things
  • Staff are enthusiastic about what they’re teaching
  • The course is intellectually stimulating
  • The course has enhance my academic ability
  • The learning materials provided on my course are useful
  • There is sufficient contact time (in-person or virtual/online) between staff and students to support effective learning
  • I am happy with the support for my learning I receive from staff on my course


  • I am encouraged to ask questions or make contributions in taught sessions (in-person or virtual/online)
  • The course has created sufficient opportunities to discuss my work with other students (in-person or virtual/online)
  • My course has challenged me to produce my best work
  • The workload on my course has been manageable
  • I have appropriate opportunities to give feedback on my experience


  • I feel part of a community of postgraduate taught students
  • I feel a sense of belonging at my institution
  • There are sufficient opportunities to interact with other postgraduate taught students

Assessment & Feedback

  • The criteria used in marking have been made clear in advance
  • Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair
  • Feedback on my work has been prompt
  • Feedback on my work (written or oral) has been useful

Dissertation or Major Project

  • I understand the required standards for the dissertation / major project
  • I am happy with the support I received for planning my dissertation / major project (topic selection, project outline, literature search, etc)
  • My supervisor has the skills and subject knowledge to adequately support my dissertation / major project
  • My supervisor provides helpful feedback on my progress

Organisation & Management

  • The timetable fits well with my other commitments
  • Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively
  • The course is well organised and is running smoothly
  • I was given appropriate guidance and support when I started my course
  • I am encouraged to be involved in decisions about how my course is run


  • There is appropriate access to physical library resources and facilities
  • There is appropriate access to online library resources
  • There is appropriate access to IT resources and facilities when I am on-campus
  • I have been able to access subject specific resources (for example, equipment,
    facilities, software, materials) necessary for my studies when I am on-campus
  • I have been able to access subject specific resources (for example, course materials, software, virtual learning environment) necessary for my studies when I am learning remotely


  • The support for academic skills meets my needs (for example, support for your writing, language, subject-specific skills)
  • The support for using IT and accessing resources meets my needs (for example, support with accessing online journals and e-books, using digital learning tools/apps)
  • The support for my health and wellbeing meets my needs (for example, personal tutor, student support and counselling services)

Skills Development

  • As a result of the course I am more confident about independent learning
  • My confidence to be innovative or creative has developed during my course
  • My research skills have developed during my course
  • My ability to communicate information effectively to diverse audiences has developed during my course
  • I have been encouraged to think about what skills I need to develop for my career
  • As a result of the course I feel better prepared for my future career