How do we Access the Course?
The following link provides some short tutorials on how to access our systems. Most importantly I need to emphasise that our Blackboard course is accessed via Blackboard Organisations rather than via Course modules (this is so that whether you have signed up for the blended or the distance learning pathway, PgCert or MSc we can all work together) otherwise things are the same. Press Control Key and click on this link with your L mouse button:
This provides short videos on how to get on-line, how to access your University student email, how to log into Blackboard and join a class, including setting up your camera and microphone.
Blackboard Organisations ‘Human Factors for Patient Safety’ will be unlocked and available from Friday 16th Make sure you select Organisations, rather than courses, from the Blackboard menu and then click on the icon in the centre of the icon to enter the course pages.
Where is the link to Organisations?
You will see your name and below Courses you will see Organisations – click on this.
The screen will now show the icon ‘ Human Factors for Patient Safety’ - click on this (note that the lock icon will show open (currently showing closed).
When you double click on Human Factors for Patient Safety you will enter via the announcement page.