Course delivery
For all years you have a dedicated Blackboard Ultra ( BB) site per module that hosts all your learning activities including links to reading lists.
Year one and year two there are optional weekly live or synchronous sessions during the module. Details are provided in the BB site and there are some additional sessions during the day. All live sessions are automatically recorded.
Year one – Wednesday evenings starting at 1800 UK
Year two – Monday evenings starting at 1830 UK
Year three- you have one to one session with your Supervisor , arrangements will be negotiated with you.
You will be allocated an Academic Mentor during the course to support you on your learning journey
There is no pre-learning, the module team will open the first modules in early September prior to the module start and registered students will be able to access all the module materials . There are activities in the first week that will aid you in navigating the Blackboard Ultra learning management system.
To aid all students a super resource is Beacon
The app is available for android or apple.
From Beacon you can access your student emails, Blackboard Ultra Site and so much more………
All students will need to provide their computer and have access to the internet at their own cost.
Any software that you need , as a student once you are registered you can access anything you need by visiting
Software and digital skills - Current students - Staffordshire University (
If you are interested in healthcare simulation why not review
ASPiH – Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare
Home (
Society for Simulation in Healthcare (
Interprofessional Education
IPEC Core Competencies (
The Sim Cafe~ (