Summer Project
Memory match Box
Cambridge Dictionary definition of Memory:
The ability to remember information, experiences, and people.
Every year we set a summer project, this year we would like you to produce work using a matchbox as a starting point. You may use any matchbox you wish. Using the theme of Memory Box, create an artwork of your own. This could be a series of drawings, prints, paintings, mixed media work or perhaps using the box as a container, or a work that may extend from the matchbox. You may even choose to create a mini sculpture or installation within/ or extending from the box. Areas such as film and sound may also be explored. The matches themselves may be used if you desire.
The crucial thing is to be as inventive as possible demonstrating your own strengths and vision.
The theme of Memory Box should allow you to consider and explore memory. You may wish to record a memory from your summer or from another point in your life. The memory may be big or small, actual or embellished. This is your creation. Think inside and outside the box!
Please bring this work in with you during the first week of term. All work will be displayed.
Good Luck!