Before you start
We don’t set you a summer task, all that we ask is that you observe your surroundings and mentally keep a record of good design examples that you see on a daily basis. Stay curious, explorative and passionate about your subject and this is what we want to see in bucket loads when you join us in September.
Our advice to you is have a good summer, stay observant, read relevant material from our reading list and join us with excitement ready for your fantastic learning journey in Graphic Design.
We have a wonderful on-campus library which you will be able to access in person and online. Many of the books and journals on your reading list will be accessed freely through the library resources.
If you want to get a head start with creativity and design inspiration over the summer take a pick of one or two from the following:
Reading list
Know Your Onions Graphic Design Drew de Soto BIS Publishers 2011
Graphic Design A Concise History Richard Hollis Thames & Hudson
The Fundamentals of Creative Design. Ambrose/Harris AVA Academia 2009
Visual Communication Design – Davis Hunt – Bloomsbury press 2017
The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising. AVA Academia 2011
Ideation. Nik Mahon. AVA Academia 2010
A Smile in the Mind. Mc Alhone & Stuart. Phaidon
Why Shrink Wrap a Cucumber? Miller & Aldgridge. Lauwrence King
Online Free Content