Semester one activities
In the first few weeks of this course, you will become more familiar with our friendly and professional teaching team and learn how to use our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Blackboard. You will also be introduced to our library resources, giving you access to a variety of online platforms.
The modules in your semester one are:
Research Methods & Dissertation Proposal
The purpose of this module is to introduce the foundational knowledge and abilities you will need to start working on your MSc project. The syllabus will consist of identifying a project, defining goals and objectives, deliverables, and value addition, selecting literature to go in your research review section, how to study research papers, academic writing, and preparing for your MSc dissertation.
Machine Learning in Cyber
On this module you will learn about some of the main methods for data analysis and machine learning in the field related to Cyber Security. Different algorithms will be explored, and students will learn how to use them to analyse data, forecast the future, and assess performance. The module will look at how these types of concepts and technologies are applied to the cyber security industry, and how they are being used to detect malicious agents and actors across both hosts and networks.
Digital Forensics
A digital forensic investigation is a special case of investigation where the procedures and techniques (and their use) that are used to gain evidence from target digital devices are critical in order that findings can be presented in a Court of Law. The analysis of digital evidence is a very structured and formal process. This module will allow learners to develop knowledge and understanding of digital forensics, focusing on different platforms (computers, mobile phones, smartphones, and vehicles). A key objective of this module is to introduce the principles of digital forensic investigation.