Semester one activities
In the first few weeks of this course, you will become more familiar with our friendly and professional teaching team and learn how to use our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Blackboard. You will also be introduced to our library resources, giving you access to a variety of online platforms.
The modules in your semester one are:
Research Methods & Dissertation Proposal
The purpose of this module is to introduce the foundational knowledge and abilities you will need to start working on your MSc project. The syllabus will consist of identifying a project, defining goals and objectives, deliverables, and value addition, selecting literature to go in your research review section, how to study research papers, academic writing, and preparing for your MSc dissertation.
Operating System & Network Security
This module focuses on aspects of advanced networking coupled with Operating Systems. The module is both theoretical and practical within its approach to topics. You will study firewall technologies, the AAA model (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting), as well as VPN solutions. As final topics you will investigate the latest commercial approaches used in security, and look at the Windows and Linux Operating Systems in terms of security features.
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing is an area of increasing importance within the enterprise environment. This module will help you look at the usage of Cloud Computing and use Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a base for the practical work. Within this module you will look at the usage cases of the different aspects of this technology and learn to understand the impact of decisions which are made. As a part of this course you will be learning how to use the Amazon Web Services cloud environment as a member of the AWS Academy program. As a student on this module you will also be studying towards your AWS Certified Solutions Architect industry certification, should you wish to pursue this.