University of Staffordshire has worked alongside Alice Charity to train their staff and trainees in Get Talking and supported them to become community researchers to explore matters important to their organisation and their local communities.
In total, 14 Alice Charity staff were inducted onto the training, across two cohorts. As part of the course, Alice Charity staff and trainees undertook short research projects into topics of relevance to the charity. Cohort 1 researched the impact of COVID-19 on Alice Charity and its staff and Cohort 2 explored how Alice Charity can respond to their families in a ‘post pandemic landscape’.
The project was funded by The National Lottery Community fund as part of a wider evaluation of Alice Charity’s Nurture project trainee programme.
The Impact of COVID-19 (opens as a PDF)
How Alice Charity can respond to their families in a ‘post pandemic’ landscape (opens as a PDF)
Alice Charity Community Research
Alice Charity Community Research
Alice Charity Community Research
Alice Charity Community Research