Architecture BArch (Hons)

UCAS code K100


3 Years


Stoke-on-Trent campus

Learn how to design the living spaces of the future with our creative, practical and innovative course for aspiring architects.

You will work with real clients on a range of live projects and will spend more than 50% of your time in the studio. To help shape your designs, you will also get to grips with simulation software.

Our unique course uses polycentric Stoke-on-Trent as a testbed for social renewal through architecture. For one recent project, students chose one of its six town centres and explored how to give it a specialist focus, repurpose industrial buildings and reimagine retail spaces.

Our interdisciplinary approach includes links to fine art, engineering and materials science. It will help you understand how buildings work, from using our renewable energy lab for solar panels through to specialist workshops and 3D printing for model-making.

Using our strong connections with architectural practices, many students gain work experience. There is an option for a semester abroad studying architecture too.

On successful completion of study, we will issue the following award: BArch (Hons) Architecture

Course content

Working in small class sizes, and from your own workspace in our friendly studio, you’ll benefit from lots of one-to-one contact. We’ll help you to think like a creative, solve problems and learn a wide range of transferable skills.

Studio projects will be creative and wide-ranging covering different building typologies, scales and settings. You will consider everything from small scale domestic architecture to larger urban settings.

You’ll have access to our fantastic new Smart Zone, a collaborative maker space with the latest rapid prototyping, milling and laser cutting equipment, plus VR, AR, Robotics and 3D scanning. You can also use traditional model making skills in our wood, plastics, resins and metal workshops, all of which will help you bring your innovative designs to life.

You’ll be introduced to core skills through structured and practical design projects, involving idea generation, drawing and rendering, model-making and CAD work. You’ll also cover architectural history, materials and environmental issues, and guidance about the architectural profession and wider applications of a training in architecture.

During your time on the course you will have opportunities to engage in ‘live’ projects whereby you will be given the chance to work with real clients on live project briefs. In addition, we will offer a range of educational visits both cultural and industrial in nature, which may include factories, building sites, completed buildings and architectural practices, both in the UK and abroad. 

Professional body accreditation

Prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) at Part 1 level for the purpose of registration in the UK.

RIBA confirmed candidate course status for Part 1 of the BArch (Hons) Architecture course.

ARB Architects Registration Board Royal Institute of British Architects


The tables provide an indicative list of the modules that make up the course for the current academic year. Each module is worth a specified number of credits. Our teaching is informed by research, and modules change periodically to reflect developments in the discipline. We aim to ensure that all modules run as scheduled. If for any reason a module cannot be run we will advise you as soon as possible and will provide guidance on selecting an appropriate alternative module where available.

Year 1 compulsory modules
Year 1 compulsory modules
Design And Representation 1 20 credits
Design Cultures 1 20 credits
Design Process - Studio 2 40 credits
Exploratory Design - Studio 1 20 credits
Materials, Environment And Technology 1 20 credits
Year 2 compulsory modules
Year 2 compulsory modules
Collaborative Practice - Studio 3 20 credits
Design And Representation 2 20 credits
Design Cultures 2 20 credits
Design Resolution - Studio 4 40 credits
Materials, Environment And Technology 2 20 credits
Year 3 compulsory modules
Year 3 compulsory modules
Advanced Design - Studio 5 60 credits
Critical Research 20 credits
Materials, Environment And Technology 3 20 credits
Professional Practice 20 credits

Entry requirements

  • Typical UCAS Offer: 112-120 points
  • A levels: BBC
  • Foundation Diploma in Art and Design

We understand that you might have experienced a challenging run up to higher education and may have not met the entry requirements as listed. If this is the case don’t worry, contact us and our team of expert advisors can guide you through the next stages of application, or help you find the perfect course for your needs.

For equivalent entry requirements in your home country, please see the information on our country pages.

Choose your country

Check our entry and English language requirements for your country.



Architecture Studio

Our dedicated studio provides you with a creative environment to develop your design briefs and facilitate collaboration. Our computer area also lets you realise your designs using industry-standard software such as Adobe Creative Suite.

Studio and CAD labs

Our well-equipped studio is designed to represent real-world practice. Here, you'll have access to excellent drawing and computer facilities, the latest industry-standard Architecture software including Rhino, VRED, and Adobe Creative Suite.

3D Workshops

Get hands-on in our industry-standard workshops across wood, ceramics, heavy metal, fine metal, & composite materials. Equipped with everything from lathes, laser cutters, throwing wheels, glaze labs, arc welders, etching tanks and more. Read more

You'll learn traditional hand-making, machine manufacture and modern digital craft techniques. Find out more about our maker facilities

Smart Zone

A bustling centre of invention, innovation and creation with two floors of dedicated workshop and collaboration spaces for engineering and creative students. Read more

The Smart Zone fuses state-of-the-art fabrication spaces with augmented and blended reality facilities, allowing you to bring your ideas to life using the latest digital and immersive technologies. Find out more about our Smart Zone.


Graduates from our Architecture degree may go on to study at postgraduate level, run their own businesses, or have a teaching career. As part of your final year you study the make-up of the architecture profession and how they work alongside other professions such as engineering and construction. There will be opportunities for architectural practice visits and scope for having access to external mentors.

Professional Accreditation

There are three main routes to registration for professional accreditation, but typically, if you are studying in the UK, you will:

  • take a three-year full time first degree in architecture (often referred to as ‘Part 1’)
  • followed by a year of appropriate professional experience
  • then a two-year full time second degree or diploma in architecture (often referred to as ‘Part 2’)
  • followed by a further year of professional experience
  • then the Professional Practice Examination – or Part 3

You will need to have all three qualifications in order to apply for registration together with a minimum of 24 months appropriate practical training experience. This information is taken from:

The BA (Hons) Architecture would be the first stage (Part 1) of the professional qualification as an architect in the UK. The Masters of Architecture is the second stage (Part 2).

All students have access to Career Connect, our dedicated careers team.

Teaching and assessment


The teaching on this course is firmly rooted in studio practice. You develop your skills across a wide range of project-based activities, which take place within a studio setting appropriate to the subject. Sometimes you will work in whole groups, sometimes you will be working in smaller teams, with presentations of your work to your peer group and the academic staff. At other times during your study, you will be working on individual self-negotiated projects. During projects, there will be tutorial sessions with academic staff where you explore your practice in more detail.

In addition, you will take part in lecture and seminar activities which allow you to explore the contextual, technical and professional background to the projects you are undertaking. These are led by your lecturers and also guest tutors from industry who bring their specialist insight into the sessions. You will also participate in technical skills sessions with Technical Instructors enabling you to enhance your making and digital skills across a wide range of techniques and approaches.


You are assessed in this course by a range of different types of coursework and practical activities. The assessment task for each module will vary dependent upon its content but may include:

  • A portfolio of completed artwork, professionally presented in the format required by the assignment, project or brief.
  • Workbooks, sketchbooks etc., documenting the process of generating, developing and resolving thoughts/ideas, and demonstrating the influence of research on practical work.
  • Research books, folders, dossiers, etc. documenting the gathering, sorting and presentation of research material.
  • Technical Exercises demonstrating your skills and competencies using particular equipment and/or techniques.
  • Written essays or reports, in which you are exploring the contextual or professional background to a specific project.
  • An individual or group seminar presentation and/or the accompanying material which you have used to create the presentation.

Learning support

In addition to the excellent support you will receive from your course teaching team, our central Academic Skills team provides group and one-to-one help to support your learning in a number of areas. These include:

  • study skills such as reading, note-taking and presentation skills
  • written English, including punctuation and grammatical accuracy
  • academic writing and how to reference
  • research skills
  • critical thinking and understanding arguments
  • revision, assessment and examination skills
  • time management

Additional support

Our Student Inclusion Services support students with additional needs such as sensory impairment, or learning difficulties such as dyslexia.


Throughout the modules you take on your course you are provided with formative, developmental assessment opportunities, which are carried out in tutorial and critique situations. Feedback is usually provided to you orally, with a written record kept either by the tutor or by you. This is sometimes produced as the result of peer or self-assessment exercises.

All modules also included formal or “summative” assessment tasks and the grades from the formal assessments count towards your module mark. You will normally receive feedback on coursework assessments within 20 working days following the date of submission.

Your study time will consist of class contact hours, self-directed learning, assessment and placements where appropriate. Your actual contact hours will depend on the subject area, on the option modules you select and professional body requirements.

Year 1

24% of time in lectures, seminars or similar
76% of time in independent study
0% of time in work based learning

Year 2

24% of time in lectures, seminars or similar
76% of time in independent study
0% of time in work based learning

Year 3

26% of time in lectures, seminars or similar
75% of time in independent study
0% of time in work based learning

Year 1

7% practical assessments
93% coursework
0% written exams

Year 2

23% practical assessments
77% coursework
0% written exams

Year 3

22% practical assessments
78% coursework
0% written exams


You will be taught by experienced architectural practitioners, educators, and lecturers with expertise in design, urbanism, history, sustainability, creative arts and engineering. Visiting and guest lecturers from industry will also be an important part of the provision.

Dr Islam Abohela

Senior Lecturer

Islam is the Architecture Course Leader. He is an Architect with extensive experience in the design and construction of the built environment. Islam’s research focuses on the intersections between Architecture, Film and Sustainability.

Islam's profile

Dr James Robertson

Senior Lecturer

I trained and worked as an architect in variously sized practices after studying and working both in the UK and France. In 2009, I undertook a tenure as Rome Scholar at the British School at Rome whilst undertaking PhD research.

James's profile


For the course starting on 22 September 2025 the tuition fees are:

Tuition fees for BArch (Hons)-Full-time
Study option UK / Channel Islands International
Full-time £9,535 per year of study £16,750 per year of study

UK and Channel Island students: This tuition fee is agreed subject to UK government policy and parliamentary regulation. If the UK government passes appropriate legislation, the fee for subsequent years of study may increase in each academic year. But this increase will not exceed the rate of inflation as measured by RPIX**. Any change in fees will apply to both new and continuing students. The University will notify students of any change as early as possible. Further information about fee changes would be posted on the University’s website once this becomes available.

**RPIX is a measure of inflation equivalent to all the items in the Retail Price Index (RPI) excluding mortgage interest payments.

Included in tuition fees
Included in the fees:

Travel, and accommodation costs incurred by compulsory trips and visits away from the University that are directly linked to the learning requirements of a specific module.

The use of all workshops, studios and specialist technical facilities and hire of equipment relating to the course of study.

Not included in tuition fees
Not included in the fees:

The estimated cost of text books over the duration of the course. All essential text books are available from the library, but some students chose to purchase their own copies.

Travel, subsistence, entrance fees etc. incurred by optional trips and visits away from the University related to the course.

The cost of materials for the development of a student’s individual practice and work. Additional costs vary dependent upon student’s own choice of materials and approach to their practice.

Optional personal insurance when borrowing equipment such as cameras, lighting equipment etc. for extended period of use off campus [Approx £50-£100]. It may be possible to add some items to home contents insurance.

Accommodation and living costs
Accommodation and living costs

Accommodation and living costs are not included in our fees. 

Sources of financial support

If you receive funding from Student Finance you may be eligible to apply for additional benefits. Details can be obtained by reading our additional funding web pages, or visiting

Scholarships and additional funding

As an undergraduate student at Staffordshire, you may be eligible for additional financial support through one of our scholarships and bursaries. You can visit our funding page to find out more and check your eligibility.


Location Award Study option Start date Apply Link
Stoke-on-Trent campus BArch (Hons) Full-time 22 September 2025 Apply now

Rules and regulations

If you are offered a place at University of Staffordshire, your offer will be subject to our rules, regulations and enrolment conditions, which may vary from time to time.

Students of University of Staffordshire enter into a contract with us and are bound by these rules and regulations, which are subject to change. For more information, please see: University Policies and Regulations.

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