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11 April Operating Department Practice (ODP) Very few people have seen the inside of this area of the hospital, but during this session, we welcome you to the operating theatre!
12 April Midwifery - Student Wellbeing Learn more about student wellbeing services. There will also be a Q&A with a midwifery lecturer.
16 April Virtually There Find out how technological change is impacting customers’ expectations, perceptions and experiences.
18 April Career Connect Find out about how Career Connect can help you find opportunities – anything from part time work, volunteering, placements to your graduate job.
18 April Webinar: Debunking common myths and misconceptions of becoming an elite sports coach In this 30-minute webinar, Dr Alex Blackett looks at why the role of an elite sports coach is largely reserved to former elite athletes
20 April Make Plastic History Join Staffordshire University and Potteries Museum for a day of exploring creativity in tackling plastic pollution! Shape a sustainable future.
25 April A Life in Patient Safety: My Journey, Reflections and Milestones Inaugural Professorial Lecture by Paul Bowie, Professor of Human Factors for Health and Social Care
Online and Campus Events We know you can't always join us here on campus, so where possible, we'll record our most popular events and lectures for you to enjoy from the comfort of your home. View events on demand