Support for Student Officers

As a Student Officer at University of Staffordshire, you have access to a range of support to ensure you reach your potential in your early policing career and beyond.


Academic support

Accessing support

As student officers, you have access to a range of support services across the University, your police force and from external organisations. When seeking support, it’s important that you make contact as soon as possible and follow the correct channels to ensure the best-placed team member answers your enquiry.


  1. Blackboard
  2. Student Officer Hub (SharePoint)
  3. Teams call
  4. Teams message
  5. Email
  6. IoP Emergency Helpline

Points of contact

Assessment support - You should contact your Module Leader (named on Blackboard) in the first instance. If they are unavailable, please contact the member of staff named on their 'out of office' message.

Wellbeing concerns - Your wellbeing matters. If you need to speak to someone about wellbeingconcerns, please contact your Work Based Education Officer (WBEO) for PCDA, or your Academic Mentor for DHEP/ DCDHEP.

Exceptional Circumstances - Please complete the EC claim form on e:Vision. You can contact your WBEO or Academic Mentor if you need help completing your claim.

IoP Emergency Helpline - Our emergency helpline is available for student officers to call us regarding urgent issues relating to their studies. A member of the team will be on hand to take calls Monday to Friday (9am-5pm). If the member of staff is unable to answer, or you call outside of these hours, please leave a voicemail and we will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.

Academic Mentors and Skills Tutor

Academic Mentors

Each student officer is given an Academic Mentor as a direct point of contact for academic support. These are confirmed to each student officer individually.

Skills Tutor

We have a dedicated Academic Skills Tutor, based within the University’s Library Team, who provides tailored support on all areas of academic study. Remote appointments are available.

SCONUL registration

SCONUL registration allows access to books at participating libraries across the UK. The use of this service was suspended nationally during the pandemic. It’s hoped that SCONUL access will resume soon.

Blackstone's police manuals

Access to Blackstone’s Police Manuals freely available for all student officers and those with a University of Staffordshire IT account.

Library and learning services

Bespoke Library and Learning Services website directing student officers to the academic resources of most use to them.

Digital skills resources

Digital skills resources designed specifically around the needs of student officers.

Wellbeing and general support

PCDA pastoral support

Work Based Education Officers (WBEO) provide full pastoral support to PCDA student officers, helping with APTEM and on the job evidence, tripartite reviews and concerns as they arise.

DHEP/DCDHEP pastoral support

The lecturing team provide pastoral care to student officers on the DHEP DCDHEP courses. The best point of contact is confirmed to each student officer.

Exceptional Circumstances

We recognise that there may be times when student officers are unable to meet submission deadlines due to difficulties beyond their control e.g. personal illness or personal difficulties. The Exceptional Circumstances policy is designed to support student officers when they need it most. Claims are reviewed on a case by case basis and possible outcomes include deadline extensions, a further submission attempt and/or access to additional support services.

Academic Reps

Academic Reps work with the University and Students’ Union to address student officer concerns. You can find out more about Course and Department Reps on the Students’ Union website.

Student Wellbeing Service

Our Student Wellbeing Service provides free support on issues including relationships, studying, mental health and cultural issues.

Money and Guidance Advisors

Money and Guidance Advisors support on issues including exceptional circumstances, academic regs, appeals and intermissions.

Inclusion support

Equality issues

You can find guidance around equality issues here.

Student Inclusion Advisors

Student Inclusion Advisors talk through support available based on personal circumstances and needs.

Learning Technologists

Dedicated Learning Technologists support student officers through a range of academic and pastoral issues - increasing digital accessibility and developing confidence in digital skills. If you have any technical issues or require support with digital elements of your course, please contact

Reasonable adjustments

We work hard to provide reasonable adjustments to eligible student officers. If you require access to the diagnostics service and relevant support, please contact a Student Inclusion Advisor.

English as a second language tutorials

English as a second language tutorials are available. Please contact if you require access to this service.

Report a concern

Our Report a concern service allows student officers to seek advice and help on a range of issues including domestic violence, discrimination, and harassment.

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