Useful information and advice
Welcome Week Website:
Even though you are a distance learning student, and there is not any obligation for you to come onto our Leek Road campus, you are still part of the Staffordshire University family. Therefore, you may wish to visit our ‘welcome website’ which will provide you the link to your new student life. It's all about how you find your place at university, including everything from how to meet friends, feel confident in doing your academic work, being a member of your Student Union and getting involved in Union Societies, Academic Societies, Sports, Volunteering or representing your peers in your School. Part of this Welcome Week - we have an exciting program of University and course level activities planned for you for your first week in September. We are also building an extended program for you to join a series of events throughout the first half of the autumn term. Further details will be shared with you via the Welcome website and Students' Union pages over the coming weeks.
Check your email:
Please make sure you check your student email account regularly over the next few weeks. We will be sending you lots of information about the course and upcoming activities. We do not send communications to your personal email accounts.
Social media:
Twitter: @SEPsychStaffs
Academic Skills:
Whether you're joining us from school or college, or you're returning to education after some time away, everyone can benefit from the Academic Study Skills resources provided by the University library.
The Academic Skills team is here to support you throughout your academic journey and to help you gain the skills you need to reach your full potential. They can assist with academic reading and writing skills, give advice on how best to plan assignments, and help improve your time management.
The library's Academic Skills Guides offer the key information to make studying easier and give a comprehensive guide to the learning resources and services we offer