Welcome to your Higher and Professional Education course

 Welcome to the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher and Professional Education (PgCHPE).

On this page, you will find lots of useful information to help you prepare for the next stage of your academic journey.

The first module is called, Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Higher Education. This is a 40 credit Level 7 module. It provides an overview of the teaching role from which you will consider in relation to your own context and subject specialism.

Your staff team

We want to make sure you know some of our team before you arrive. Hopefully this will help you recognise us and ensure you know who you can contact if you need any additional help and guidance.

Tina Richardson

Senior Lecturer

I have extensive expertise of working in the secondary and post compulsory sector as well as experience of teaching in Greece and China. I am also an external examiner for PGCE Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) courses.

Tina's profile

Dr Duncan Hindmarch

Course Director

My enthusiasm for learning led me to qualify, design and deliver to initial and subject specialist teacher training courses. I have an interest in developing virtual learning environments to support learning.

Duncan's profile

Course Delivery

The modules will be delivered through a combination of lectures, collaborative learning activities, student led presentations, workshops, work-based tasks and self-assessments, online delivery, independent study and mentor supported learning.

Both modules will require you to attend a series of tutor led classes which are normally scheduled to be delivered on a regular basis. The classes will include a variety of teaching and learning methods, including presentations by experienced practitioners, large and small group discussions, case studies and task-centred investigations. Classes have been specifically designed so as to synthesise the theoretical underpinning and/or current educational research with your own practice in order to encourage engagement in reflective practice. Such reflective practice will help to develop your learning about teaching in order to improve the quality of the student experience. Additionally, you will lead and participate in group activities which will develop your teamworking skills, enable sharing good practice and provide you with an opportunity to professionally network.

In this way the classes will be designed to build on your current practice in order to maximise personal development and shared learning among diverse subject areas and/or professional domains.

Semester One Activities

The PgCHPE consists of 2 modules assessed at level 7.

The first module is around Teaching and Learning in Higher and Professional Education and provides an overview of key knowledge, skills, values and behaviours required by the lecturer new to higher and professional education. As such, it covers key principles of teaching, assessment, enhancing behaviour and promoting inclusion. This includes consideration of the context of the HE/professional training sector and how learner and employer needs can be identified and met. For this module you will be assessed through a piece of reflective writing and a portfolio of teaching practice


Although you may have already studied at Postgraduate level previously, you may want to consider taking an opportunity to prepare for the programme before it starts: https://www.skillsforstudy.com/ 

Join us on Social Media

Join our Social Media accounts for the Institute of Education so you can feel a part of the IOE family before you arrive.

You’ll see what we post, links to relevant news articles, developments within the sector, employability support and things going on in our courses.

Following this account will give you the opportunity to do some pre-reading and research before you join the course.

Visit our Instagram Page

Academic skills

Whether you're joining us from school or college, or you're returning to education after some time away, everyone can benefit from the Academic Study Skills resources provided by the University library.

The Academic Skills team is here to support you throughout your academic journey and to help you gain the skills you need to reach your full potential. They can assist with academic reading and writing skills, give advice on how best to plan assignments, and help improve your time management.

The library's Academic Skills Guides offer the key information to make studying easier and give a comprehensive guide to the learning resources and services we offer.

Staffs CampusConnect

Staffs CampusConnect is our student-led community app for new students. Connect with other people from your course, hometown or country, and even those with similar interests.

To register, please ensure you use your Applicant ID (Student Number) that you received in your offer letter, and the email address you used in your application to us.

Register for CampusConnect

Welcome website

Our welcome website will provide you the link to your new student life. It's all about how you find your place at university, including everything from how to meet friends, feel confident in doing your academic work, being a member of your Student Union and getting involved in Union Societies, Academic Societies, Sports, Volunteering or representing your peers in your School.

Part of this Welcome Week - we have an exciting program of University and course level activities planned for you for your first week in September. We are also building an extended program for you to join a series of events throughout the first half of the autumn term. Further details will be shared with you via the Welcome website and Students' Union pages over the coming weeks.

Welcome website

Campus map

Use our campus map to familiarise yourself with our campus before you arrive.

Campus map (PDF)

Check your email

Please make sure you check your personal email account regularly over the next few weeks. We will be sending you lots of information about Welcome Week.

We look forward to welcoming you to the campus in September.

If you have any questions, please send them to Course Leader Duncan Hindmarch, d.n.hindmarch@staffs.ac.uk 

The Institute of Education Team

for Career Prospects

Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023

for Facilities

Whatuni Student Choice Awards 2023

for Social Inclusion

The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023

of Research Impact is ‘Outstanding’ or ‘Very Considerable’

Research Excellence Framework 2021

of Research is “Internationally Excellent” or “World Leading”

Research Excellence Framework 2021

Four Star Rating

QS Star Ratings 2021